What Value Does the SiteLink-SpareFoot Integration Bring to Storage Operators? [FAQ]
How does this integration benefit my self-storage business? Answer: SpareFoot brings together thousands of independent self-storage operators on a single platform, gives them high ranking in Internet searches and helps them compete against the largest operators. Simply put, SpareFoot delivers more rentals to self-storage…
Absolutely Disgusted with new Sitelink Employees.-TERRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE
I'd like to know if I'm the only one. I have to rant here. I've been using Sitelink for years for 5 properties! Ever since the merge with Sparefoot the great customer service has completely vanished. The new employees know absolutely nothing about Sitelink, when I call for THEIR help them I feel like they're actually…
SpareFoot Acquires SiteLink to Drive Innovation for the Self-Storage Industry [Press Release]
Austin, Texas -- March 29, 2018 -- SpareFoot, the world’s largest online self-storage marketplace, has agreed to acquire SiteLink, a leading provider of cloud-based software solutions for the self-storage industry. The deal will bring together two dynamic companies and allow the combined business to accelerate investment,…
As a SiteLink User, Do I Have To Use SpareFoot? [FAQ]
Does this acquisition mean that I'm now required to use SpareFoot if I want to continue with SiteLink?Answer: Absolutely not. With SiteLink, you have choice in vendors such as those listed in the SiteLink Marketplace. SiteLink and SpareFoot are separate platforms that are operated separately.
Does SpareFoot Have Access to My SiteLink Data? [FAQ]
I'm concerned that with this acquisition, SpareFoot now has access to my data in SiteLink. Is this true?Answer: If you only use SiteLink, your tenant, unit, and pricing data are under your control and are not shared with SpareFoot. If you use both SiteLink and SpareFoot, you set the permissions of the integration.
How Do I Learn More About the SpareFoot Integration With SiteLink? [FAQ]
I'm interested in learning more about how the SpareFoot platform and SiteLink software communicate and the benefit of this integration to my self-storage business.Answer: SpareFoot FAQs provide answers to common questions about its integration with SiteLink. Click here to learn more.
What Is the Relationship Between SpareFoot and SiteLink? [FAQ]
When did this acquisition take place and where can I get more details? Answer: SiteLink and SpareFoot were acquired by Cove Hill Partners on April 13, 2018. Learn more about this consolidation of industry leaders by clicking here.
What Is SpareFoot? [SiteLink & SpareFoot Acquisition] [FAQ]
I've heard of SpareFoot, but what role do they have in the self-storage industry? Answer: SpareFoot is an online self-storage marketplace that sends reservations to self storage facilities and helps stores sign more leases. To learn more about SpareFoot, visit SpareFoot.com.