Setting Up Convenience Fee for Online Payment
Is it possible to set up a convenience fee for online payments? When tenants pay with a CC in person, they are charged a processing fee. However, when they pay online, this is not charged. This makes my client eat the processing fee for all online payments. Has anyone been able to successfully automate a fee for any…
Is there something going on with SiteLink right now? 9/3/24
All across our stores we are having document signing problems, pmt issues, slow loading times, discount months like 1&2 or 2&3 not being offered only a blank window leaving us to have to click on a different unit size and then back to the reserved unit before options populate.
Electronic Signature not working
We have eSign through Sitelink. Today I was doing a move Out, I had Tenant sign the Acknowledgement of Vacating Premisis form with eSignature. The signature showed up as usual, but would not save. I am getting error messages. When I tried to go back in to the form, which was now in "Reminders" "Pending" and resign, the…