Anyone interested in discount storage doors CA?
I have 34 new blue rolling storage doors. We are renovating and transitioning to office space so we are open to offers. Located in San Bernardino CA. Reply here if you are in need of new doors!
Auction Sites
Is anyone currently using the integration service between Sitelink and an online auction service? If so how do you like it? Does it work well and is it worth the extra $$ for the integration fee?
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WEBINAR 4/19/17: Chaos to Control: Collections, Delinquencies and Online Auctions
Chaos to Control: Collections, Delinquencies and Online Auctions Presented on April 19, 2017 by Lonnie Bickford from StorageAuctions.com Online Auctions offer a hassle-free, no chaos auction day. Learn best practices in trying to Collect past due payments, the notification process for Delinquent tenants and how Online…
What are the fees if I Win? [Buyers] [FAQ]
What are the fees if I Win? The fees to Storage Auctions are not the total payment for the storage auction. A sample of fees is outlined below:
What happens if I place a bid and win? [Buyers] [FAQ]
What happens if I place a bid and win? If a bid is placed, the bidder is committing to purchase any unit that they hold the highest bid on, this is why a credit card is required before placing a bid. Once an auction a bidder is winning has ended and the bidder has been declared the winner, they will be charged a bidder fee…
What is a Cleaning Deposit? [Buyers] [FAQ]
What is a Cleaning Deposit? A cleaning deposit is a deposit collected by the facility when you come to pay for your unit. The cleaning deposit usually ranges from $25-$200 and will need to be paid in cash. The deposit will be returned to you once you have the unit cleaned to a swept condition.
The unit I was bidding on was cancelled. What does this mean? [Buyers] [FAQ]
The unit I was bidding on was cancelled. What does this mean? This means that the storage facility cancelled the unit from the auction. This is most likely because the delinquent tenant paid their bill. If an auction you are watching or you have placed a bid on is cancelled, it will say “Cancelled”.
Do I have to pay sales tax? [Buyers] [FAQ]
Do I have to pay sales tax? It depends on the state you are in. Every state has different rules regarding the taxation of auctions. However, the answer is most likely YES. You should always check with the storage facility if you are not sure.
Where Can I see what units I have bid on? [Buyers] [FAQ]
Where can I see what units I have bid on? Click on the my Auctions Tab and the auctions you have been watching and bidding on will show up. Units highlighted in yellow are units you are watching, Units highlighted in Red are units you have been outbid on, units highlighted in green are units you are winning.
How can I tell if I am the highest bidder? [Buyers] [FAQ]
How can I tell if I am the highest bidder? There Are 2 places where you can check the status of your bids: 1. Under My Auctions in My account: 2. Directly inside an Auction you will see If you have been outbid or are winning:
How do I add or change the my billing information? [Buyers] [FAQ]
How do I add or change the my billing information? Go to the Billing section in your navigation and Click on Add a new card.
What is a Proxy Bid? [Buyers] [FAQ]
What is a Proxy Bid? A proxy bid is a bid robot that you can utilize to place bids for you. Creating a Proxy bid will allow you to outbid anyone automatically by outbidding bids by $10.00 until the current bid is higher than your proxy bid. Example: You Placed a Proxy Bid Placed of $200.00 If no one else bids on the…
How to I bid on a unit? [Buyers] [FAQ]
Prerequisite: You have to create a StroageAuctions® Buyer Account and fill out your Billing Information. Step 1 - Find an Auction you wan to bid on Step 2a - Place a Direct Bid Step 2b - Place a Proxy Bid Step 3 - Check back to make sure you are winning.
How do I change the credit card I have on file? [Sellers] [FAQ]
How do I change the credit card I have on file? Go to the Billing section in your navigation and Click on Add a new card.
What are the reports on my Dashboard? [Sellers] [FAQ]
What are the reports on my Dashboard? The seller dashboard gives you insight to the performance of your account. As a seller you will see all the acutions listed by your locations, all the revenue generated and how your loss recovery margin.
How do I get listed in the directory of Storage Locations? [Sellers] [FAQ]
How do I get listed in the directory of Storage Locations? Simple, add your location in the location manager and select "list in storage directory". All listings are subject to approval and may be removed at any time if they violate the TOS.
What is a legal notice? [Sellers] [FAQ]
What is a legal notice? A legal notice is a similar to what would be posted in a news paper to inform the public that an abandoned property is going to be auctioned off in an attempt to recorver the loss for storing it. Some states may allow sellers to post a legal notice online, check your state laws.
How do I add a manager to a Location? [Sellers] [FAQ]
How do I add a manager to a Location? Click on your Locations Tab and edit a location: Navigate to the Manager tab. Here you can link an existing manager or add a new one and give them access to a specific location:
What is a Manager? [Sellers] [FAQ]
What is a Manager? A manager is an additional user that can be added to a seller account. Managers can be set up to have access to only certain parts of your StoreageAuctions account. They can also be granted access to specific locations only within your account. When Launching an Auction Event, a manager that is assigned…
How do I create an Auction? [Sellers] [FAQ]
How do I create an Auction? The prerequisits to creating an auction are: * Register an account * Activate your account * Add a Location This is where the auction items are located. You can manage multiple locations * Optional - Add a manager: If each location has its's own manager, they can be added to each location and…
What are the payment options? [Sellers] [FAQ]
What are the payment options? When an auction ends an invoice is sent to the bidder telling them how much they owe you and when they need to pick up the items they have won. You can define in the auction how you would like to be paid (Credit Card, Debit Card, Cash, Check).
What does it cost to use StorageAuctions.com? [Sellers] [FAQ]
What does it cost to use StorageAuctions.com? Nothing!!!* As a seller, StorageAuctions.com is free to use for the most part. The only time a seller is ever charged by Storage Auctions is in the event of a canceled auction. There are membership plans available that will help reduce the fee from canceling a unit if you…
How much do I get from each sale? [Sellers] [FAQ]
How much do I get from each sale? The total auction price minus (-) 10%. A 10% deposit is charged to the bidder/buyer and that amount is deducted from the total amount payable to the seller.
How long does an auction have to run? [Sellers] [FAQ]
How long does an auction have to run? Each state is different, please check your local state lien laws.
Who can sell items? [Sellers] [FAQ]
Who can sell items? Owners or managers of storage facilities who have the legal right to liquidate abandoned property that has been stored within a facility they own or manage.
How do reset my password if I forgot it? [General] [FAQ]
How do reset my password if I forgot it? To reset your password, use the Forgot Password page to reset your password. You will be asked to enter your email and a password reset link will be sent to your email address.
How do I log-in? [General] [FAQ]
How do I log-in? Once you have registered and verified your account, you go to the Login page and enter in your email and password.
How can I sell my storage units on StorageAuctions.com [General] [FAQ]
How can I sell my storage units on StorageAuctions.com Register as a seller! Click Here to get started >> Please check your local and state laws for selling abandoned property.
How can I bid on auctions? [General] [FAQ]
How can I bid on auctions? Register as a Bidder! Click Here to get started >> The account set up is simple, fill out the registration form, confirm your email, then before placing a bid, you will put in your credit card information.