I have so much to say about the new way to enter and capture credit/debit card information for auto pay. I have only had it for 2 weeks, but here is what I am seeing: Forcing us to go through the tenant screen, instead of the payment screen to update or add a credit card is foolish and sets us up for numerous mistakes. If…
Auto Pay Card expiration date notices
We run on anniversary date here, but my sister properties run on the 1st of the month, I want my expiration date letters to auto populate 30 days before the anniversary date, not 30 days before the 1st. Is this possible? I was told by my admin that he couldn't change it for my location. I think he can, but didn't want to…
How can I view or print out a list of ALL of my "auto pay" customers?
I am trying to see if there is a way I can view or print a list of ONLY my customers that are set up on Auto Pay. Is there a way to do this? Would it be in reports or can this be set up? If anyone has any suggestions or can help me out with this I would greatly appreciate it. THANKS!!!