Refunding Auction Cleaning Deposits
What is the best way to put in the charge for an auction cleaning deposit when using CC for the payment method that will not leave a balance owed when refunded? Our facilities are managed virtually so accepting cash for the cleaning deposits is not an option.
Receiving Auction Proceeds in Sitelink
I'm a newbie to the auction process. We did all the notifications and held the auction. I processed the auction in Sitelink to generate the letter to send to the tenant. Sitelink still shows the unit in the delinquent tenant's name with their balance due. How do I record the proceeds from the sale? (sold for less than the…
Postpone Payment
We have a tenant who came in on 4/10 and wanted to move in on 5/1. He is also paying for 3 months at once. I know that you can move his move-in date to 5/1 and the gate code doesn't work till then, but is there any way to postpone payment? Can I take his card information now and then have it be charged on 5/1 for three…