What Value Does the SiteLink-SpareFoot Integration Bring to Storage Operators? [FAQ]
How does this integration benefit my self-storage business? Answer: SpareFoot brings together thousands of independent self-storage operators on a single platform, gives them high ranking in Internet searches and helps them compete against the largest operators. Simply put, SpareFoot delivers more rentals to self-storage…
Packing and Moving Mistakes to Avoid [Blog]
Many of us have moved a few times, but Julia and Joe Czyz aren’t your garden variety movers. The Denton, TX couple has packed up and moved 31 times in 52 years. Julia Czyz says living abroad was a dream of hers from the time she was in college studying to become a teacher. She was lucky enough to find a husband, an…
Is storEDGE able to use the SiteLink API?
Is storEDGE able to use the SiteLink API?Answer: We're working toward offering a more seamless experience for our clients and will share our plans for increased functionality as they develop.
A Spring Cleaning Checklist For People Too Busy to Spring Clean [Blog]
Along with a big change in weather, spring offers a fresh new start and positive changes. Spring cleaning is a great way to get organized and improve your home’s look and feel. If you’re looking to do some spring cleaning of your own, you may be wondering how long it takes to properly clean. Well – it depends on your own…
Why did we do this?
Why did SiteLink and SpareFoot merge with storEDGE?Answer: We're always looking for ways to create a better platform and better experience for our customers. But operator success is our core mission, and we believe more choices, more people, more money, and more seamlessness between platforms will make your business…
SpareFoot Offering Free Storage for Those Affected by Hurricane Florence
SpareFoot is donating up to $10,000 to those affected by Hurricane Florence If you or a loved one is affected by Hurricane Florence and in need of a temporary storage solution, SpareFoot would like to help. We are offering a free month of storage to anyone that has been personally affected by the storm. How to take…
SpareFoot and SiteLink Merge with storEDGE [press release]
AUSTIN, TEXAS, August 30, 2018— storEDGE, a cutting-edge technology organization, is now part of the SpareFoot and SiteLink self-storage technology family, backed by Cove Hill Partners. storEDGE brings a host of best-in-class products to the existing offerings of SpareFoot and SiteLink, including marketing websites, online…
What is storEDGE?
What is storEDGE? Answer: Founded by Dan Miller in 2009, storEDGE is the fastest growing technology company in self-storage. By providing data-rich, user-friendly software, modern websites, online rental tools, cloud access control, and additional integrated services, storEDGE gives businesses the end-to-end competitive…
Are you planning to raise prices?
Are you planning to raise prices?Answer: We have no current plans to raise prices. Our prices will always be a reflection of the value we provide to your business and we'll evaluate pricing on an ongoing basis.
Will I be working with the same point of contact and same leadership?
Will I be working with the same point of contact and same leadership?Answer: Yes. Your primary contacts are unchanged and you'll still work with the same teams at all three companies.
What about my data?
What about my data? Answer: You own your data - that has been and will continue to be the case. There are no planned changes to how we currently treat your data, and you should continue to use your data to make informed decisions about your business.
Will I be required to use certain products now or in the future?
Will I be required to use certain products now or in the future?Answer: Flexibility and choice are principles that we hold to be extremely important, so there are no plans to force anyone to use a specific product or service. But further integrating and investing in the combined technologies across our teams will present…
Is there still a lawsuit between storEDGE and SiteLink?
Is there still a lawsuit between storEDGE and SiteLink?Answer: Rest assured, any conflict between our two companies is resolved. As we eliminate existing restrictions between platforms and start to build new and better integrations, the experience of working with SiteLink and storEDGE will now be easier and more seamless…
What's going to happen next?
What's going to happen next?Answer: We’re still committed to bridging fragmentation gaps and providing a comprehensive solution that unifies the manager and consumer experience. Except now, we’ll be able to create options for you that we couldn’t before. Our customers will continue to have a seat at the table as we…
Who can answer my other questions?
Who can answer my other questions?Answer: We’d be happy address any additional questions, comments or concerns, direct them to one of these team emails merger@sparefoot.com, merger@sitelink.com or merger@storEDGE.com.
WEBINAR Q&A: Using the Right Marketing to Get the Right Tenants
Below is the list of Answers to the Questions asked during the July 12, 2017 Promotions and Incentives webinar with SpareFoot. If you missed the webinar you may watch it on-demand from the SiteLink website. Q. If you offer the first month free for new tenants, what about current tenants who did not get that special? A.…
SpareFoot Acquires SiteLink to Drive Innovation for the Self-Storage Industry [Press Release]
Austin, Texas -- March 29, 2018 -- SpareFoot, the world’s largest online self-storage marketplace, has agreed to acquire SiteLink, a leading provider of cloud-based software solutions for the self-storage industry. The deal will bring together two dynamic companies and allow the combined business to accelerate investment,…
As a SiteLink User, Do I Have To Use SpareFoot? [FAQ]
Does this acquisition mean that I'm now required to use SpareFoot if I want to continue with SiteLink?Answer: Absolutely not. With SiteLink, you have choice in vendors such as those listed in the SiteLink Marketplace. SiteLink and SpareFoot are separate platforms that are operated separately.
Does SpareFoot Have Access to My SiteLink Data? [FAQ]
I'm concerned that with this acquisition, SpareFoot now has access to my data in SiteLink. Is this true?Answer: If you only use SiteLink, your tenant, unit, and pricing data are under your control and are not shared with SpareFoot. If you use both SiteLink and SpareFoot, you set the permissions of the integration.
How Do I Learn More About the SpareFoot Integration With SiteLink? [FAQ]
I'm interested in learning more about how the SpareFoot platform and SiteLink software communicate and the benefit of this integration to my self-storage business.Answer: SpareFoot FAQs provide answers to common questions about its integration with SiteLink. Click here to learn more.
What Is the Relationship Between SpareFoot and SiteLink? [FAQ]
When did this acquisition take place and where can I get more details? Answer: SiteLink and SpareFoot were acquired by Cove Hill Partners on April 13, 2018. Learn more about this consolidation of industry leaders by clicking here.
What Is SpareFoot? [SiteLink & SpareFoot Acquisition] [FAQ]
I've heard of SpareFoot, but what role do they have in the self-storage industry? Answer: SpareFoot is an online self-storage marketplace that sends reservations to self storage facilities and helps stores sign more leases. To learn more about SpareFoot, visit SpareFoot.com.
VaultDrop live at Devon Self Storage - Read Case Study
Read our latest Case Study with Devon Self Storage: https://www.vaultdrop.com/case-study-devon-self-storage/ This shows how Devon was able to attract additional customers by offering secure cloud storage as an amenity and become a Total Storage (TM) facility.
WEBINAR 7/12/17: Using the Right Marketing to Get the Right Tenants
Promotions and Incentives: Using the Right Marketing to Get the Right Tenants presented on July 12, 2017 with Chuck Vion and Brett Billick, Chief Marketing Officer at SpareFoot Webinar Highlights: Incentives: What should you be offering to convert consumers to self-storage tenants? First Month Free Syndrome: Which offers…
How to Pack Everything For Your Move in One Day [Blog]
Packing your place for a move is nothing short of daunting, especially if you’re in a time-crunch or you tend to procrastinate.It’s easy to feel totally stressed out (and maybe even panicked), but with a bit of prep work and some serious dedication, you can clear out your home and load up your car in one day. Here are 11…
9 Tips From the Pros on How to Get Apartment Deals [Blog]
About one-third of Americans are renters. And that means about one-third of Americans, at one point or another, have practically pulled their hair out when hunting for an apartment or another rental property. Searching for an apartment is about as much fun as getting a cavity filled. Still, the quest for an apartment…
Using Referral Partnerships to Increase Exposure [White Paper]
In the battle for occupancy, it can seem like REITs with huge marketing budgets have all the advantages. But smaller operators have a secret weapon the big guys don’t have: Hometown advantage. This white paper equips you with 5 actionable steps to leverage your hometown advantage by building a network of local referral…