How do I find an auction? [General] [FAQ]
How do I find an auction? Head over to the Find Auctions page and enter in your zipcode and radius you wish to search. Any active auctions within your search will appear.
What is StorageAuctions.com? [General] [FAQ]
What is StorageAuctions.com? StorageAuctions.com is the a robust online auctioneer for abandoned property auctions. Find the best storage unit auctions as a bidder and reach a faithful audience of bidders as a seller.
How do Online Storage Auctions work? [General] [FAQ]
How do Online Storage Auctions work? A Seller will create an Auction event that will include 1 or more units, A scheduled end date, upload photos then publish the Auction. Once the auction is published, bidders can bid on the auction once they have created their account and added their billing information. Once the auction…
How Online Auctions Work - Bidders [Video]
How Online Auctions Work - Bidders https://youtu.be/TUDjYoF4fYc
How Online Auctions Work - Sellers [Video]
How Online Auctions Work - Sellers https://youtu.be/sIi564hmVVk
About StorageAuctions.com
StorageAuctions allows customers and self storage unit buyers to purchase and bid on online storage unit auctions. This real-time, updated sale allows for constant bidding throughout the entire process. With over 15 years of experience in storage facility ownership and auctioneering, we know what our customers want and…