Storage Treasures for Online Auctions
I am about to start doing online auctions thru Storage Treasures; for those of you who use it, do you now prefer selling them online rather than in person? Did you notice an increase in profit/bidders with online? What do you guys charge for the cleaning fee deposit? And is there ever a case where the buyer just doesn't…
Direct from SiteLink to Storage Treasures
Can anyone advise me if I can list auction units on Storage Treasures straight from SiteLink or do I need to go to their website to do so?
Auction Sites
Is anyone currently using the integration service between Sitelink and an online auction service? If so how do you like it? Does it work well and is it worth the extra $$ for the integration fee?
Online Auctions
What online auction service do you use?
How can this be?
I have been told by one of your salesmen that Storage Treasures updates and populates its information at midnight, NOT when a unit is added to the auction process. This makes setting up a unit for auction a 2 day process. This can't be right? Why wouldn't it link immediately? This makes linking SiteLink and Storage…
About StorageTreasures.com