Storage Treasures for Online Auctions
Registered User ✭✭✭
I am about to start doing online auctions thru Storage Treasures; for those of you who use it, do you now prefer selling them online rather than in person?
Did you notice an increase in profit/bidders with online?
What do you guys charge for the cleaning fee deposit? And is there ever a case where the buyer just doesn't show up at all, to where you'll then have to re list it up for sale?
Any input is appreciated, thank you.
Did you notice an increase in profit/bidders with online?
What do you guys charge for the cleaning fee deposit? And is there ever a case where the buyer just doesn't show up at all, to where you'll then have to re list it up for sale?
Any input is appreciated, thank you.
themage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭We have been going through Storage Treasures for a little while now. The bids are a little higher than we would usually get with our in person auctions.
We don't charge a cleaning deposit, but most of our auction winners have left the unit empty and swept out when they were done.
We do occasionally have an auction winner who never pays Storage treasures or us, so it will get re-listed. If they do pay but never clear it out, you might have to do the whole lien / auction process again with the auction winner as the tenant.1 -
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I have been using Storage Treasures since their beginning. I get MUCH higher bids than I did with in-person auctions.
If you get a non-paying bidder, you can ask for the backup bidder info or you can relist it. No need to re-advertise because once it has a winning bid, you have fulfilled your obligation. You can also just toss everything if that's easier, because at that point, it's yours to do with what you choose.1 -
I have been using for the past several years, although I do look in on Storage Treasures occasionally. They gave us a great presentation at our annual SSA meeting, but they don't seem to have as many auctions or bidders in my area, so I have stuck with my original choice.
As far as online vs in person auctions, I think it's an easy decision. You don't have to go to the facility, let a bunch of random people onsite with their kids/pets/families. There's no conflicts. And I do think you get better bids online.
Cleaning fees range from $25-100 depending on unit size and the amount of stuff in the unit.
My auction method is this:
Take photos and overlock the unit with a programmable disc lock. Put the tamper tag on. Post the auction. After the auction is won, get the payment from the winner. Most owner's want cash but I prefer credit card because I don't want to meet anyone. Get the cleaning fee by Venmo. Once the unit is empty, auction winner texts me a photo of empty unit and I Venmo back the cleaning fee.
It's not a perfect system, but it's pretty good. My only time involved in an auction is lock cut, photos, and posting. And the quicker and easier I can get that unit empty and rented again the better.1 -
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I forgot to add...I charge $100 for the deposit. I've had mattresses left behind, so I always get a good deposit. And I only accept cash.1
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