Password box missing
Before I left for 3 wk medical leave after the last update, this is how our login boxes looked like in SiteLink and MyHub. I figured it would have been repaired by now. You have to click the Login box for it to pop up the Password box in Red like you entered the wrong one and only Then can you enter your Password. (Sorry…
How to delete invoice
Hi I made a error while creating the invoice, may I know how to delete the invoice
How to release the Auction Status (red X), if you forgot to say yes after taking Payment?
How to release the Auction Status (red X), if you forgot to say yes after taking payment?
How to update credit card on file using MyHub?
I cannot figure out how to update a card for a tenant using MyHub. Tips anyone?
Chip Card Reader
Just wondering when you will have the chip card reader available for use? The owners are asking me so I am asking you =) PPI says they are waiting on you. Michael Will Resident Manager Brandon St Mini Storage www.brandonstreetstorage.com
Running CRM campaign through My Hub?
Is it possible to run CRM through My Hub? I have a large number CRM to send out and can only send 200 at a time through the Web Edition. I have been running the invoices through My Hub in the background so I can still use Web Ed. But it wont let me click on the CRM in my reminders through My Hub. 😫
Editing a Walk Thru order and map issues?
We are spending a little more time utilizing MyHub's capabilities when doing walk-thru tours of our facilities. However, our new employee brought this to my attention that the general walk-thru order is a little confusing. I don't like the Walk-Thru portion of MyHub. Yes, it comes up somewhat alphabetically and…
Hi Everyone!! I am in Southern California, and I am looking for a good lawyer to assist with a tenant we are trying to countersue. We actually won in a civil suit she brought against the company, so now we want to countersue. Who (if you use anyone) would you recommend?
How do I verify AVS?
We used to be able to verify the address in the credit card section but it no longer gives that option. How can I now verify the AVS?
Who can we contact about the AVS issues?
I had zero AVS mismatches then all of the sudden we have 15. How can we verify the AVS without having to take a payment?
Is is possible to process a Move Out Refund in My Hub?
I usually use web edition, but I'm giving My Hub a go as it seems to be much quicker to use. In My Hub I can see a Move Out refund that has been set for a customer, I'm trying to process it - it even highlights when I click on it, but I can't go any further - is it actually possible to process it and send the funds back to…
Best tablet for edocs and myhub?
If you use edocs with a tablet do you have any recommendations for which tablet we should use?
How to remove a unit?
I removed a couple of parking spaces from the map a few months ago, so they don't show up there, but they're still showing up as rentable spaces when you go to Move Ins. How do I get rid of them totally?
Move-In From Lead to Lease * MyHub
I am having a problem with converting a reservation to a move-in thru MyHub. I have checked all of the options, but it will only let me edit the tenant. Can anyone advise me how to move in a tenant from MyHub please? Second part to my question: After the tenant has been moved in, since there is no access to Letters in…
Issues with MyHub?
Anyone else unable to connect to MyHub this morning? This is our first month using their autopay and now I can't access MyHub to verify card transactions. Edited to add: Web edition keeps glitching on me also. I would try to refresh and it would just say "transaction cancelled". I closed completed out and tried to reopen…
Is it possible for an automatic payment to go thru before it's supposed to?
I had a tenant pay rent for 2 separate units and set up automatic payment for each one on the 3rd of every month before I closed the office for the day. When I came back next day, I noticed another charge for the same two units thru MyHub Auto Bill. Does someone need to log in for a payment to go thru? A few days later,…
Can you scan a drivers license to MyHub? I only see an option to download a file.
I only see an option to upload a file.
Blocking Customers From Renting Again
Sitelink says it does not have a way to block a customer from renting again that have been evicted etc. They recommended that we should keep a note in customer notes. We have been able to maintain that list and note until technology has taken over and customers began renting at kiosk and online. Customers have been renting…
iPad use with MyHub and e-sign
Trying hard to get my team to utilize the new iPads we purchased a few months ago and it seems at this point to be more frustrating than anything. Trying to eliminate paper and streamline the move-in process with the iPads but neither expectation is being met. Anyone with some pointers on best practices using iPads/e-sign.…
I'm going to try and explain this the best way possible. When I'm on SiteLink Web Edition or myHub, I can not get new invoices to show. It was only showing for one tenant. I have a particular tenant that is requesting we invoice them and I have no idea how to get it to show up so that I can process it. Is anyone able to…
Payment issues with MyHub
So, all of a sudden today (I don't know how long it's been going on as I haven't taken a payment via MyHub in a few days) I can't search for a tenant to make a payment. I go to "Payments" and type in the unit number (or name) into the search bar, and it just automatically resets to nothing. If I pause in any way in the…
problems with my hub
For approximately the last three months I have not been able to Overlock or put any notes in walk-through I can do it on Site Link but the process stopped on my hub for some reason has anyone else had this problem.
Reverse Overlocks?
Will we get the ability to reverse overlocks in My hub? It would be a very nice feature for those of us on big properties.
What are some things you CAN'T do on MyHub?
Myhub seems sooo much easier to use. What is the reason a user would choose to NOT use MyHub???
MyHub and prepay discounts
Hi All, Our facility offers prepay discounts when a certain number of months are paid in advance. Is there a way to apply this discount from myHub that I am not seeing? The only thing I see is the "non-expiring" discounts. Thanks in advance!
PCI Compliance
Is anyone overwhelmed by the PCI Compliance application besides me? There are 256 questions in one category and a bunch of IT questions I know nothing about. Is there an IT professional who can help me? I am really struggling with this PCI thing.
Collection Call report aka "Call past dues report"
Is there any manager or relief manager that knows whether or not the aforementioned report can be edited to display only 3, 7, 13, 23, 27 days late customers? Adam
Hello All, I'm a big fan of myHub and all the cool things it can do, but I've run into a bit of a snag. On SiteLink Web Edition, reminders can be set for everyone or just a specific person. Is there a way to view these reminders in myHub that I just haven't figured out? The calendar (where reminders are stored in SLWE) is…
E-sign question regarding myhub
Is there a way to start a lease on PC and then have the customer sign on tablet in Myhub? I had a customer come in to to do a lease with no smart phone, so I completed the lease on my pc. The pc is awkward for the customer to use to sign the lease electronically, so I switched over to Myhub on my tablet to have him sign.…