Autopay: entering credit card or ACH info only once for multiple units?
Is there a way to enter credit card or ACH information (or re-enter it) only once for multiple units? We have lots of multiple unit tenants, and with all the credit card fraud happening, entering a new CC number for them is an opportunity to enter one incorrectly.
What card reader device do you use at your storage offices?
Our offices are looking to switch to something new. We are looking for a card reader that integrates well with SiteLink that has a swipe, chip and tap feature as well as an apple/android pay function. What is everyone using currently?
Credit charges posting under the wrong column issue?
Has anyone has had an issue where credit card charges posted to
accounts showed up under the Ledger column for Charge, but the charges were
included in the Receipt column under Checks. All of the individual payments were credit cards and show they were posted as credit cards. None of our other daily reports have had an…
Credit Card Disputes; phoned in payments
We have had an increase in credit card disputes recently - What is your guys policy as far as taking a rent payment over the phone? Do you require any sort of account authorization prior to taking their CC info? And does that card that's being used have to match the actual tenant? Or do you basically allow anyone to call…
How do we correct a credit card payment with Terminal Only transaction status?
Processed a cc payment today. That process failed. We processed it again. We can now see the approved cc payment in MyHub. Sitelink doesn't show the payment on the tenant's ledger. Credit Card Reconciliation report shows the payment as Terminal Only status. How do we get that payment to be applied to the tenant's account?
E-sign receipts / Chargebacks
I'm a long-time user of SiteLink; before Storable, before Web Edition... long time (since 1999 I believe). Technology has allowed for immeasurable advances in paperless transactions, convenient and green payment and rental processes. Yet Storable lacks one significant feature that is costing us thousands of dollars…
How do I make it a different name on the autopay authorization?
I have a few tenants that are using other people's credit card to pay - but when I print out or send via esign the form has the main tenants name on it - I want it to have the actual card holders name.. I have tried what I thought would be the key words but nothing seems to be linking. Please help.
storing tenant's credit card information
how do you store a tenant's credit card information without selecting the auto debit option at Move-In?
Credit Card Processing - how to override 30-day late block
Hi all. I've learned there's an industry standard to block credit card payments after a tenant is 30 days overdue but I haven't found the reasoning behind this. Is there a way to override that 30 day block (i.e., a family member is calling to pay the balance but can't pay by CC because the account is 30 days overdue)?…
Credit Card Charges- Charging tenants to run their credit cards
We don't charge a fee for taking credit cards unless it is over the phone. (We charge $3.50.) However with the thousands of dollars we end up paying every month just to run credit cards, we are considering the idea of charging our auto-pay customers to run their cards. Does anyone else do this? How did you set it up? I…
Why doesn't the tenant's credit card info migrate to an additional unit being rented?
When I move a tenant into an additional unit all of their information migrates except their bank card information. When I get to the payment field and want to use the card on file it is not there. If I cancel the payment to go and look up the info it will cancel the entire move in. This really is a problem especially when…
Credit Card Disputes
How do you handle Credit Card Disputes? Do you charge a fee like you would for a NSF?
not letting me save cc in move-in process
hey everyone, I was curious if I was the only one with this issue. every time I move in a reservation it stops right after inputting payment plan and tells me I need to refresh my local data.. every time I do and it's just telling me constantly after every attempt. I've found a loophole for now but it leads to me having to…
refund question
Customer prepaid for their unit in advance, paid for 3 months but only needed 2 months, how do I credit it back to them, we don't have their cc info on file.
Venmo or Paypal Payments
Is anyone accepting Venmo or Paypal Payments?
Contact Free Payment Solutions for When Social Distancing Closes the Office
Collection Manager * Audits Sitelink and StorEdge for Payment Due Dates * Sends a Reminder with an Individually Generated Secure Payment Link * Past Due Tenants Automatically Routed Directly to a Pay-by-Phone IVR Bypassing Store Teams * Channels Available: Pay-by-Text, Pay-by-Phone IVR, Pay-by-Email, and a Manager Payment…
Lag Time for Taking Payments
Is anyone else experiencing lengthy lag times while processing cards? It did it to me yesterday and is still going on today. It usually only takes a couple seconds to approve or decline, but I have been waiting up to nearly 20+ seconds for each walk-in card payment.
Reversing an NSF reversal?
Hello. So I was under the impression that the only way to reverse a payment was via NSF reversal (without all the NSF stuff checked). I reversed a credit card transaction today, but it is still showing up on my ledger as a processed payment, and it is still showing up on the website. I attempted to void the receipt and now…
Credit Card Processing
Does anyone use Square as a credit card processor? If so, have you had any problems taking payments considering SiteLink doesn't integrate with it yet?
Refunded credit card didn't process?
Hi everyone! I went through and processed a credit card refund (after the close day), via the NSF screen. About a week went by, and I received a call from the customer that the money was never put back on her card. I double checked the CC processor website (we use Payeezy), and it doesn't show the payment was ever…
Auto bill question
CC s are processed on the 5th of each month. Some recently have been declined because of invalid number. When looking at ledger tab, credit card info indicates *and 4 numbers. When accessing the tab to see the complete number the *and 4 numbers appear. Hence the reason the cc was declined. The *and 4 numbers must be…
Swiping DL's to enter tenant information
I've used my credit card swiper to populate the tenant information into SiteLink in the Web Edition for years. Will this capability be added to MyHub, either with a dongle on a tablet or also while using MyHub on desktop PC? :)
Credit Card Void or Refund
How do I Void or Refund a Credit Card charge that was run through SiteLink Web Edition Card Processing Terminal?
Auto-billing in SiteLink myHub [Video]
Change of payment during move-in ...
Does this happen to anyone else or am I the only one: During a move-in, if the tenant pays with a credit card and then for whatever reason, the credit card doesn't work and they decide to pay with a check or cash, I need to cancel the credit card payment but when I do, Sitelink cancels the whole move-in! :/ What am I…
New Feature Lets UK Operators Collect Faster, Automate Rentals and Payments
SiteLink Integrates Credit Card Payments at Stores, Websites and Kiosks in the United Kingdom SiteLink, the global leader in cloud-based software and payment processing for self-storage operations of all sizes, offers credit card integration to speed up and streamline payments for operators in the United Kingdom. Stores in…
New Feature Lets UK Operators Collect Faster, Automate Rentals and Payments
SiteLink Integrates Credit Card Payments at Stores, Websites and Kiosks in the United Kingdom SiteLink, the global leader in cloud-based software and payment processing for self-storage operations of all sizes, offers credit card integration to speed up and streamline payments for operators in the United Kingdom. Stores in…
Payment Processing for International Companies
I'd love to use the automatic payment processing of credit cards but my company is located in Panama City, Panama. Unfortunately the solutions offered in Sitelink are not available in my country. Has anyone using sitelink has solved this integration outside Australia, UK, Canada and USA? It would be great to be able to use…
Adding a unit to Multi-Unit Credit card charging
Is there a way to just add a new unit to a customers Multi-Credit card charging when the rent another unit?