Auto bill question
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CC s are processed on the 5th of each month. Some recently have been declined because of invalid number. When looking at ledger tab, credit card info indicates *and 4 numbers. When accessing the tab to see the complete number the *and 4 numbers appear. Hence the reason the cc was declined. The *and 4 numbers must be deleted and complete number re-entered and saved. Any fix for this?
skinman Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭That tab will always show * and the 4 numbers only unless you click on "show full credit card number"
if they are declining for invalid number, they were either entered wrong originally or they got a new card issued, would be my guess..2 -
Nope not the case. I believe that since EMV transaction was added to the dropdown on the payment list it has affected the CC payment for Autobill. This is prevalent when a new customer is entered into the system, makes a payment with a card and EMV handles the transaction. When hint comes up that asks do you want to autobill this customer, Yes is selected and then everything appears normal until the run of CCs the next month. In most cases the CC Batch Processing Failures print Declined. This is when the *and 4 numbers are the only numbers in the account field. When asked to show full credit card number it still shows only *and 4 numbers. I must then go to the customer signed sheet in that persons written folder, enter all numbers and then all is good.0
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