Refunded credit card didn't process?

Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭
Hi everyone!
I went through and processed a credit card refund (after the close day), via the NSF screen. About a week went by, and I received a call from the customer that the money was never put back on her card.
I double checked the CC processor website (we use Payeezy), and it doesn't show the payment was ever refunded. Should I have processed the refund from there as well?
What happened was the customer was on autopay and had moved out the day before autopay was ran, and we didn't catch it before running the payments. Unfortunately, we had already closed the day out at the end of the day before we realized we hadn't moved the customer out before processing the payments. I probably should have just refunded the money on the moveout screen, but I didn't. I refunded it before I moved the customer out by doing a NSF reversal.
Please help. LOL.
I'm not familiar with your CC processor but we have to actually go into our processors website and refund through them as well. I hope this helps
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storallgsa Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭Faye said:I'm not familiar with your CC processor but we have to actually go into our processors website and refund through them as well. I hope this helps
I just went into the CC processor website and processed the refund directly. I am certain that this is probably a two step process and I just missed the second part.
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