What card reader device do you use at your storage offices?
Our offices are looking to switch to something new. We are looking for a card reader that integrates well with SiteLink that has a swipe, chip and tap feature as well as an apple/android pay function. What is everyone using currently?
Credit charges posting under the wrong column issue?
Has anyone has had an issue where credit card charges posted to
accounts showed up under the Ledger column for Charge, but the charges were
included in the Receipt column under Checks. All of the individual payments were credit cards and show they were posted as credit cards. None of our other daily reports have had an…
Kiosk Payment History
Is there any report that shows how many payments have been made using our kiosk? Typically, I go to lead funnel and it allows me to see how many units have been rented from it - I am curious if there is anything that gives a count of how many people are just paying their bill. Any help is appreciated.
Credit Card Disputes; phoned in payments
We have had an increase in credit card disputes recently - What is your guys policy as far as taking a rent payment over the phone? Do you require any sort of account authorization prior to taking their CC info? And does that card that's being used have to match the actual tenant? Or do you basically allow anyone to call…
Apple Pay & Sitelink
Good afternoon, We are a UK sitelink user and have been for many years, we process the majority of our payments using the sitelink payments processor with First Data as merchant provider. We manually enter credit card details if people want to pay on card instore, however we have more & more people that are asking to use…
How do we correct a credit card payment with Terminal Only transaction status?
Processed a cc payment today. That process failed. We processed it again. We can now see the approved cc payment in MyHub. Sitelink doesn't show the payment on the tenant's ledger. Credit Card Reconciliation report shows the payment as Terminal Only status. How do we get that payment to be applied to the tenant's account?
Uncleared Refund Checks, Reversal?
If we issue a refund check and post it in Sitelink and the check was never received by the tenant, how do we reverse the original check? This has come up before where we had to put a stop payment on a check and reissue one. I couldn't figure it out, Sitelink would not let me do a ledger adjustment on the check, so I just…
E-sign receipts / Chargebacks
I'm a long-time user of SiteLink; before Storable, before Web Edition... long time (since 1999 I believe). Technology has allowed for immeasurable advances in paperless transactions, convenient and green payment and rental processes. Yet Storable lacks one significant feature that is costing us thousands of dollars…
Adding Discount To Ledger and Making Payment for rent unit
We rent unit on siteLink and want to add discount to unit. After adding discount, we want to make payment for it. How can we achieve this process?
Adding Discount To Ledger and Making Payment for rent unit
We rent unit on siteLink and want to add discount to unit. After adding discount, we want to make payment for it. How can we achieve this process?
Incorrect Paid Through Date..anyone else?
I've been using Sitelink for about 4 years now. The past year has given me a lot of issues when it comes to Paid Through Dates. When a tenant is getting ready to vacate their unit, I let them pay by day and not by month. I have always gone to the pro-rate calculator and charged the amount shown for the particular days they…
How do I make it a different name on the autopay authorization?
I have a few tenants that are using other people's credit card to pay - but when I print out or send via esign the form has the main tenants name on it - I want it to have the actual card holders name.. I have tried what I thought would be the key words but nothing seems to be linking. Please help.
RE: Pmt processing windows
Why is the Transaction Completion window on the payment transaction now popping up AFTER the do you want to Print or Email the receipt windows? It used to show the Successful processing and Then ask if you wanted to print/email a receipt.
Issues with MyHub?
Anyone else unable to connect to MyHub this morning? This is our first month using their autopay and now I can't access MyHub to verify card transactions. Edited to add: Web edition keeps glitching on me also. I would try to refresh and it would just say "transaction cancelled". I closed completed out and tried to reopen…
Exporting a Tenants Ledger (or Payments History) for a specific date range?
Hi Everyone! I have had tenants ask for a payment history/account ledger but for just a specific year or specific date range. I know how to pull the entire history, but is there another report or SIMPLE method to extract a just a selected date range? I'm ok with Excel, and have tried exporting and then isolating the date…
Multiple discounts on Move-in
How do you apply two discounts on move-in. For example we offer a military discount and are also running a promotion on half off the month. One of them is added in the lead to lease section. Then when you try to add the other during move in, it removes the other one. I normally just credit the acct the discount amount of…
not letting me save cc in move-in process
hey everyone, I was curious if I was the only one with this issue. every time I move in a reservation it stops right after inputting payment plan and tells me I need to refresh my local data.. every time I do and it's just telling me constantly after every attempt. I've found a loophole for now but it leads to me having to…
Need help regarding Sitelink API Integration with WordPress
Hello everyone, I want to integrate the Sitelink API with a wordpress site, and don't want to use Sitelink templates provided. I want to handle everything such as payment processing on my site only. Can anyone help.
Reclassify A Tenant Payment
Our collections agency was able to get a former tenant to pay on their delinquent amount. But, instead of paying the agency, this tenant paid us. This happened in July. I need a way to reclassify that payment to separate the actual rent from the commission for the collection agency. Is there a way to do that?
ACH Payments and "Internet" Payment Type MISSING after update.
After the update last night (July 28, 2021), I am no longer able to post payments using the payment type "Internet". We accept PayPal payments on our website, and I can't post them. The option is still set up under acceptable payment types in the Company Defaults screen. Also since the update CRTL-SHIFT-H no longer brings…
Can you change a tenants billing from 28 days to monthly?
We had a tenant that wanted to rent a secondary unit. When syncing their units, everything synced except the billing cycle. The customer was wanting monthly and our system automatically defaulted to the 28 day billing. Is there anyway that this can be changed to a monthly anniversary??
Venmo or Paypal Payments
Is anyone accepting Venmo or Paypal Payments?
Guardian Storage Deploys Contact Center to Help Managers at 26 Locations Work From Home
Faced with a challenge to support operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Jeff Ley, Marketing and Development Analyst with Guardian Storage, quickly made the decision to support both his customers and his employees by deploying a work from home solution, found in CallPotential's Remote Operation Toolset. Jeff was kind…
Tenant Auto-pay List
Is there a way to create a separate list of just "Auto-Pay" tenants so I can more easily check their status? Some have been put on auto pay by mistake and the idea of looking at each and every tenant will be daunting.
changing a task for employee in the security level
Hello..In payment screen there is a box at the top of page that is checked to show only current customers. How do I change it so an employee is able to uncheck it. P.S. when writing this post it did not allow me to select a category but this category.
Contact Free Payment Solutions for When Social Distancing Closes the Office
Collection Manager * Audits Sitelink and StorEdge for Payment Due Dates * Sends a Reminder with an Individually Generated Secure Payment Link * Past Due Tenants Automatically Routed Directly to a Pay-by-Phone IVR Bypassing Store Teams * Channels Available: Pay-by-Text, Pay-by-Phone IVR, Pay-by-Email, and a Manager Payment…
Multiple Unit Payment Warning Setup
I have several sites I manage, and one of the sites warns you if you're about to make a payment on one unit for a tenant with multiple units. How can I set this up at other sites? I don't see it in the site settings.
Communicating During Change: Tools to take your Self Storage Operations Remote
Maintain continuity of customer support and operations during times of crisis with work-from-anywhere virtual Contact Center software. Call forwarding and roll-over tools integrate seamlessly with sitelink and contact free payment options with automated reminders allow customers to pay by text, email, phone or a manager…
How do you close the "payments" screen without registering a transaction??
Just opened our first site 5 weeks ago. I'm afraid i am not the best computer person, but i'm 28 not 98 so i'm not completely useless with them. But I am finding sitelink very confusing! Anyway - here is just one of probably many future questions: Whenever I open the payments screen and make a change, to exit the screen…
Lag Time for Taking Payments
Is anyone else experiencing lengthy lag times while processing cards? It did it to me yesterday and is still going on today. It usually only takes a couple seconds to approve or decline, but I have been waiting up to nearly 20+ seconds for each walk-in card payment.