Reclassify A Tenant Payment

Our collections agency was able to get a former tenant to pay on their delinquent amount.  But, instead of paying the agency, this tenant paid us. This happened in July.  I need a way to reclassify that payment to separate the actual rent from the commission for the collection agency.  Is there a way to do that?


  • GSI03
    GSI03 Registered User ✭✭✭
    You could create a balance due in one of your company units for the amount the the agency collected for you, put in the total amount of the payment the former tenant gave you and do a refund for the difference to the collection agency.
  • JulieAton
    JulieAton Registered User ✭✭✭
    When you look at Moved Out accounts is there a balance for the customer?  It is under Adjustments.  If there is a balance you can process the payment there.

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