ACH Payments and "Internet" Payment Type MISSING after update.
Registered User ✭
After the update last night (July 28, 2021), I am no longer able to post payments using the payment type "Internet". We accept PayPal payments on our website, and I can't post them. The option is still set up under acceptable payment types in the Company Defaults screen.
Also since the update CRTL-SHIFT-H no longer brings up the ACH payment type in the payments screen, so we can't to do those either. HELP!
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
Thanks for flagging this for us, @MamaDuke7!
Hi @YevetteM. We're very sorry for the inconvenience. PayPal transactions can be processed through MyHub. You won't need to use the hot key. Please run a live update and you'll be able to take ACH payments just like you take all other payments:
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I just ran Live Update again. The ACH payment option is still missing, so is the "Internet" payment type. I did speak with several people in Support on Thursday, they got into my machine and observed the problem. They acknowledged it is a bug in the update, and some people aren't seeing the same things we are. It's not just on my computer either. The "bug" is company wide, with it happening on 5 computers that have it installed. We can not take any ACH payments or post an Internet payment. I will look at MyHub, we don't normally use that, but we may need to until this bug is fixed. We need the desktop version working, and MyHub is not a long term acceptable solution.
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Hi, @YevetteM. I know Brittney has been in touch and is helping you.
If anyone else is reading this thread and experiencing similar errors, please give our Support a call and we'll help! 919-865-0789, Option 2
Thank you, Amy C.1
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