How do I make it a different name on the autopay authorization?
Registered User ✭✭✭
I have a few tenants that are using other people's credit card to pay - but when I print out or send via esign the form has the main tenants name on it - I want it to have the actual card holders name.. I have tried what I thought would be the key words but nothing seems to be linking.
Please help.
Please help.
ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭There isn't a keyword for a cardholder that isn't a tenant.0
"There isn't a keyword for a cardholder that isn't a tenant. " So does this mean there is no possible way to have this set up?0
ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Sarah said:"There isn't a keyword for a cardholder that isn't a tenant. " So does this mean there is no possible way to have this set up?0
Ugh - that isnt much of an issue if they are in the office and we print it out for them to sign but when its done online or over the phone the document will continue to have the wrong name.
Thank you for the info/help Angela
1 -
You change it to a text box ESign.Textbox (You would always have to enter the Card holder's name) or it would require them to type it in if you emailed it.0
AnitaJohnson1269 - THANK YOU!!!! I'm going to be trying this.0
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