How do you close the "payments" screen without registering a transaction??
Registered User ✭
Just opened our first site 5 weeks ago. I'm afraid i am not the best computer person, but i'm 28 not 98 so i'm not completely useless with them. But I am finding sitelink very confusing!
Anyway - here is just one of probably many future questions:
Whenever I open the payments screen and make a change, to exit the screen you have to press green tick OK because if you press red x cancel, it doesn't save your changes.
But whenever i press green tick ok, it treats it as transaction and registers a payment of 0 and asks if i want to send a receipt to the customer?! No, i just want to save my changes!...
Anyway - here is just one of probably many future questions:
Whenever I open the payments screen and make a change, to exit the screen you have to press green tick OK because if you press red x cancel, it doesn't save your changes.
But whenever i press green tick ok, it treats it as transaction and registers a payment of 0 and asks if i want to send a receipt to the customer?! No, i just want to save my changes!...
i43storage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Do you have your system set up to "prompt before printing" for receipts? You could try changing that program default to "never print receipt" and see if that helps.
Jean Marie
I-43 Storage0 -
What are you trying to change in the payment screen? The only time I ever enter that screen is to make a payment or credit an account so it maybe that there is another way to get at whatever you are looking to change.0
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭If you place a red note the only way to get it saved is to hit ok like you're taking a payment. I'm assuming that's what the OP is trying to get done.1
Thank you for your responses! Sorry for my late acknowledgement.
I was changing stuff on the payment screen because the discount deal I had put on for a customer was set up wrong so i was trying to amend the payments. I have also used it to check that it has saved and the ID etc was uploaded correctly. Every time i was messing around with it is was registering a transaction. It might be that when i get used to everything and things aren't wrong that we don't really need it other than to actually take and credit payments!0 -
ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭It has to do with your settings. To change it go to:
Company>Setup>Program Defaults>Payments>under Receipt Printing and Emailing, change to Always or Never print receipt and Always or Never email receipt.
This will stop it from prompting you when you are trying to save a change in charges. Some facilities do require printing the receipts for any credits or discounts given to be filled out in a concessions ledger. If it is prompting a receipt after simply saving a note, this shouldn't be happening and I would suggest contacting tech support1
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