Refunding Auction Cleaning Deposits
What is the best way to put in the charge for an auction cleaning deposit when using CC for the payment method that will not leave a balance owed when refunded? Our facilities are managed virtually so accepting cash for the cleaning deposits is not an option.
Termination Letter due to delinquency
Just curious - How many of you are terminating tenants just because they consistently do not pay on time? (If yes - is that specified in your lease?) I have a decent amount of people who will always pay in full, but only after they have been prepped for auction. (>10x) I am currently at 97%, so at this point these piles…
Auction rules and guidelines
Why is no one taking responsibility for making sure these auction winners follow the rules and return paperwork and pictures. I am finding it VERY disturbing that NONE OF THESE so called humans turn in the pictures they find and the paperwork when it clearly states in the law that they are required too. The excuse or…
How to release the Auction Status (red X), if you forgot to say yes after taking Payment?
How to release the Auction Status (red X), if you forgot to say yes after taking payment?
Collection Company?
The collection company we have used for years has simply up and disappeared...literally! Would anyone like to share recommendations for a Self Storage Collection Company? Any referrals would be greatly appreciated!
Strangest Item Found in Unit Up for Auction?
After weeks of calling and emailing the customer to catch up on her rent and failing to receive any response, we processed her unit for auction. We were shocked to find that the only item she kept in her unit was a trophy for second place in a line-dancing competition :D What is the strangest item you ever found in a unit…
Hello everyone, I was wondering if there is a report for Auctioned Units that can be printed out in SiteLink? We have to get the information to the owner for 2021, 2022, and 2023. Your help is truly appreciated. Warm Regards, Kathleen
Receiving Auction Proceeds in Sitelink
I'm a newbie to the auction process. We did all the notifications and held the auction. I processed the auction in Sitelink to generate the letter to send to the tenant. Sitelink still shows the unit in the delinquent tenant's name with their balance due. How do I record the proceeds from the sale? (sold for less than the…
Can we impose a lien if the tenant moved all of their belongings out without notice?
Our lease states we require 30-day notice to vacate but when they had not paid in December, I went to overlock the unit and it was empty. They stated they moved out in November but gave no notice and did not return the lock and keys. Can we proceed with a lien if there is nothing in the unit? Would it just be a personal…
Manual addition to Auction List?
I have a tenant with a balance that is >60 days past due, which should automatically put him on the Auction List. It did so for four other tenants with >60 day balances. I have two questions: 1) Why wouldn't this tenant appear on the Auction List like the others, and 2) Is there a way to manually add him to the Auction…
Auction Sale Notices?
Random question here... Does anyone use the Auction Sale Notice in Sitelink? Do you have a customer version of it that you use? I want to start using it but I think half of the page is missing and want to make sure that it is correct before I start using it.
Auction/Legal Ad
Newbie and recently took over as office assistant/manager and noticed that there are tenants that have moved out in 2019 and early 2020 listed in Auction/Legal Ad. Is there a way to remove them from Auction/Legal Ad?
Your Best Auction Story
What's your best Auction story? Can be humorous, inspiring, or weird. I have quite a few, but this last one was interesting. We had our last auction a few months ago. One woman was desperately trying to avoid having her unit auctioned, but was unable to settle or follow a payment plan with us (we tried REALLY hard to avoid…
Auction Process in Sitelink - Taking Past Due Schedule to Fruition.
I am having a few issues. Sitelink Support has not been able to answer these questions - mostly because I don't think they understood what I was getting at. * I am trying to figure out the auction process. I watched one training video, since I cant find any others and there is no search function in the Forum for just the…
Online Auctions
What paperwork do you have the winning bidder fill out, if any?
How to cancel a unit in auction without a payment
I put a unit into auction in sitelink but now I need to take it out of auction and I can't. I don't have any payment and I want to learn how can I take it down without taking a payment. Thank you
Auction Unit Question
I have a unit up for auction. Sale ends in a few days. Tenant moved stuff in in June and has never made any contact or payment since. All of the sudden yesterday a lady calls says that she is the ex-girlfriend and that is her kids s@!# in the unit. Says that ex-boyfriend died September 23rd (then says September 21st when I…
How do you handle an auction that made more than owed?
We are running into a couple instances where an auction made more than what the tenant owed, and the state law states the overage must be returned. How do you handle this in SiteLink? Ledger adjustments are making the accounting difficult. We usually put it through Merchandise as Auction Proceeds, then credit the account…
Can the minimum bid equal $300.00
Can the minimum online bid amount equal the State mandated Disposal Value. This is $300.00 in Washington State. And if It can, and you don't get any bids, can you dispose of the contents as you see fit. Thanks for Listening Howard
Leading Self-Storage Online Auction Site Added to SiteLink Marketplace [press release]
StorageTreasures now integrated with SiteLink Management Software SiteLink, the global leader in cloud-based software and payment processing for storage operations of all sizes, is pleased to announce a new technology partnership with top self-storage online auction site StorageTreasures.com via SiteLink’s seamless API…
Entering Auction Date
New user here. Is there a way to 1) enter an auction date/time so that I can automatically fill the field in lien notification letter, and 2) print report of auctions scheduled?
Scheduled Auctions With blnAuction = True
Hi there, can anyone give me hits on fetching units against a location id which has blnAuction set to true? Actually I have to show units which are scheduled for auction in sitelink. I am able to fetch units against a location ID, but I have to further narrow down units which only has blnAuction set to true
Unit Locked Nothing In it.
Hello All, I have a unit that was rented and the tenant never move in? I can see over the top and verify the unit is empty. I am able to just cut the lock and move out the tenant?
WEBINAR 4/19/17: Chaos to Control: Collections, Delinquencies and Online Auctions
Chaos to Control: Collections, Delinquencies and Online Auctions Presented on April 19, 2017 by Lonnie Bickford from StorageAuctions.com Online Auctions offer a hassle-free, no chaos auction day. Learn best practices in trying to Collect past due payments, the notification process for Delinquent tenants and how Online…
Prevent Renting to an Auctioned Tenant
Is there is a way in SiteLink to flag a tenant who has been auctioned to prevent them from renting or making a reservation again?
Auction Processing
Hello, This is our first auction and I have never used sitelink before when processing one. Is there a special way to process the payment or do I just process the payment to the unit as if I was moving it out? Thank you for your help. Christina