Can we impose a lien if the tenant moved all of their belongings out without notice?
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Our lease states we require 30-day notice to vacate but when they had not paid in December, I went to overlock the unit and it was empty. They stated they moved out in November but gave no notice and did not return the lock and keys. Can we proceed with a lien if there is nothing in the unit? Would it just be a personal lien?
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭No. A self-storage lien is on the goods, not the person. If there are no goods, there can be no lien.
You could try small claims, but truly it's not worth the effort. Write it off and re-rent the space.0 -
I would simply write it off & rent it out to someone else. We have these a few times a year.1
Agree with above0
That is what we did. Thank you.1
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