Termination Letter due to delinquency
Registered User ✭✭✭
Just curious - How many of you are terminating tenants just because they consistently do not pay on time? (If yes - is that specified in your lease?)
I have a decent amount of people who will always pay in full, but only after they have been prepped for auction. (>10x)
I am currently at 97%, so at this point these piles just destroy my arrears every other month. I was just wondering how many others deal with the same situation
thanks in advance
I have a decent amount of people who will always pay in full, but only after they have been prepped for auction. (>10x)
I am currently at 97%, so at this point these piles just destroy my arrears every other month. I was just wondering how many others deal with the same situation
thanks in advance
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I don't because I look at all the fees as extra revenue.
But if you don't want the extra work, then just tell them you're not renewing their lease according to the terms of the contract. You don't have to give a reason.
Or...as long as you aren't in an area with a State of Emergency right now, just double or triple their rent. They'll move out right away!!! (Or they stay and really pay for the privilege of being late!)5 -
DDP3 said:Just curious - How many of you are terminating tenants just because they consistently do not pay on time? (If yes - is that specified in your lease?)
I have a decent amount of people who will always pay in full, but only after they have been prepped for auction. (>10x)
I am currently at 97%, so at this point these piles just destroy my arrears every other month. I was just wondering how many others deal with the same situation
thanks in advance0 -
teamcapitola Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Could just raise the rent each time.... like 25% ... each time ... should cover the pain and suffering of dealing with the account?
1 -
teamcapitola said:Could just raise the rent each time.... like 25% ... each time ... should cover the pain and suffering of dealing with the account?1
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