Manual addition to Auction List?
Registered User ✭
I have a tenant with a balance that is >60 days past due, which should automatically put him on the Auction List. It did so for four other tenants with >60 day balances. I have two questions: 1) Why wouldn't this tenant appear on the Auction List like the others, and 2) Is there a way to manually add him to the Auction List so that I can print out the Auction Notice and send it to him? Thanks!
Maybe check to see if the box "disable past due events" got checked at some point??2
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Could be various reasons why it isn't showing. Has it been thru the process before and paid out but someone did not reverse a prior auction schedule? It could of had a pre-requisite that's needed in your system missed that schedule auction is looking for. You can always just go to letters and print whatever letters you want for a customer.0
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Make sure that the required Pre-Lien and Lien have been sent and the correct amount of time after the lien has passed.
Otherwise, the likely reason is what @Orkocean explained.1 -
Thank you everyone for the quick replies! I just started using SL and the first day of use was 10/01/2019, so all five of the tenants that should be flagged for an Auction Schedule Notice were entered at the same time and have never been up for auction before. I do not have any pre-requisites for receiving an Auction Schedule Notice - they just have to be 60 days Past Due. When I began using the software, I added the balances as of 9/30 as Administrative Adjustments and then the 10/1 rent generated automatically as it should, as did 11/1 and 12/1.
He made a partial payment on 10/31, but not nearly enough to cover the rent and late fees - would that somehow keep him from being flagged for an Auction Schedule Notice?1 -
Ok - I just went in, voided his previous three partial payments and re-entered them. That seemed to change the "Paid Thru" date and pick him up for Auction. Thanks again to everyone for the help!
2 -
when we have a tenant with 2 units, one going to auction and the other current, we auction both to satisfy the debt. How can I put the second unit for auction?0
In Florida you can't. Each unit stands on its own.0
ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭ronsmate said:when we have a tenant with 2 units, one going to auction and the other current, we auction both to satisfy the debt. How can I put the second unit for auction?0
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I don't think there is any way to force a unit into the auction status without processing all the preliminary letters, etc. And if they're not past due, you can't even force those!0
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