Auction rules and guidelines
Registered User ✭
in Delaware
Why is no one taking responsibility for making sure these auction winners follow the rules and return paperwork and pictures. I am finding it VERY disturbing that NONE OF THESE so called humans turn in the pictures they find and the paperwork when it clearly states in the law that they are required too. The excuse or attitude that “it’s there word against yours!” Is disgraceful and inhuman and has infuriated me. I am spiritually coming for anyone doing this because my friend through an unforeseen set of circumstances lost her storage unit and begged and pleaded left her number spoke to the property manager and everything and was assured she would get her pictures and personal paperwork back and then they said oh well he said there were no pictures and when she said that is ****; they said it is his word against yours. Now she has pictures of her inside her storage unit and you can clearly see pictures and stuff. The property manager ought to be ashamed of herself and anyone with this type of attitude is heartless and will face judgement, Karma and a bunch of other nasty things based on this and you all should be enforcing the rule and not just letting it go because you don’t feel like going out of your way. It’s people like you that are ruining our communities and I will be sending you some spiritual energy to heal the parts of yourself that are closed off to the empathy required to properly have compassion for your fellow brothers and sisters out here. Times are tough more and more people are loosing there jobs, homes etc and then to have you disregard their family treasures that are most likely going to get thrown away anyway is SO UGLY. Do your job, make them turn in the pictures. My girl friend is still crying over this months later. This is so devastating to a mother who just lost everything to now loose her ONLY PICTURES OF HER CHILDREN! it’s even worse when the managers in charge of the auction clean outs should be ON TOP of this instead of indifferent and cold about it. I’m asking for spiritual justice on the matter. Good luck may you be reminded that we are all connected and that ;there go I but for the grace of god!!!
I am not sorry for bringing this up and wishing instant judgment on the matter0
themage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭At least around here, as management, we can only return items that have been turned in by auction winners. We do ask auction winners to turn in such items. We even have them sign documents asking them to do so.
Some rental agreements even specify that items of great sentimental value should not be stored.
Honestly, I am not sure what more we could be doing. We like (most of) our tenants. Sometimes they fall on hardship and have to let their storage go. Except for very specific situations, we are not allowed to enter or remove items from the units.
Ultimately, the tenant is responsible for those items. I hate to say it, but if they don't want to lose it, they shouldn't be storing it (in self storage).
I have also had people swear they had documents and personal items in a very specific box or backpack in a specific place in the unit. I worked with the auction winner and looked through the unit myself and could not find the items in question. It sucks when you have to tell someone we just don't have those items to return.0 -
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I don't know where you are located, but here in CA, there is no such law. The buyers of the unit at auction own everything in the space. They can choose to bring back/leave the personal items, but are absolutely not required to.
And our contract specifically states not to store anything of sentimental value.1 -
ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭MamaDuke7 said:I don't know where you are located, but here in CA, there is no such law. The buyers of the unit at auction own everything in the space. They can choose to bring back/leave the personal items, but are absolutely not required to.
And our contract specifically states not to store anything of sentimental value.2
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