What are some things you CAN'T do on MyHub?

Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified ✭✭✭
Myhub seems sooo much easier to use. What is the reason a user would choose to NOT use MyHub???
Speed of loading, using web edition is as fast as you can click, using myhub is dependent on your internet speeds. Sometime your pages don't load, or your browser crashes, etc. Just the general imperfections of doing things online as opposed to locally.
I imagine this will change if/when it becomes a progressive web app.3 -
dpiazza2430 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭myHub is a great work in progress. Users are unable to run any reports yet. We are in the process of deploying Chromebooks to all our locations managed by G-Suite and it is great! Managers love it because it is easy to use and faster, as the IT Manager, I love it because chromebooks are inexpensive and deployment is about 15 min from getting a new device to property ready.
Looking forward to the day we can use myHub as the primary at out locations3 -
It is also dependent upon you have great wifi coverage throughout your facility. Probably easier to do on larger tablets or phones. I prefer the ability to cover everything with the customer and have them acknowledge and sign everything in the office. We still use good old fashioned desktops here so we use the regular web edition.
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MyHub works with cellular tablets, better if you haven't deployed site-wide wifi. But for us, there are too many missing pieces to use for everything. Two things recently: credit card autopay processing completes, but locks up the session; there isn't any way to add pictures, like a driver's license, to a tenant file. Using Samsung Tablet.1 -
MegumiM Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭✭MyHub is great but you do need Wifi access. I've used it some but there are too many features and reports that you aren't able to access to be using it regularly. It's been great if someone can't get in after the office is closed so we can confirm their code and if they're delinquent. I've done a move-in on it but it took a lot longer to enter everything in as I had to use my phone since we don't have tablets. It is becoming more difficult to do business when internet is down as Sitelink Web Edition no longer offers the ability to work offline. Definitely invest in tablet(s) as it is difficult to navigate on a phone.2
What software are you using to keep your tablets PCI compliant?
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i43storage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭MyHub does not show all features if using an Apple product.
Jean Marie
I-43 Storage0 -
Anyone else get a 500 internal error when trying to pull up any information?
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ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭In MyHub, you don't have access to the letters section of tenants. I also find it weird that some things I am restricted from doing in web edition, MyHub will actually let me do.1
MyHub is awesome! Sure it's not as quick as a computer, but if your internet is down, you can still get to what you need to which is better than having to tell a tenant they'll have to come back for their receipt, lease, etc. The printer at our facility even has it's own wireless signal so that when the internet goes down, we can still use myHub from any of our mobile devices to generate and print a report by directly connecting wirelessly to our printer. Again, not as quick as a computer, but you can't really expect that and it's still a life-saving plan B.3
How long before myhub get it's own mobile application?0
Faye said:I have never used it, the owners have not given permission yet. I would also like to know what the downfalls are with My Hub2
I have an Apple phone it doesn’t seem to work as well because when I go on the map I cannot get a full screen is very hard to negotiate.The iPad does seem to work much better than phone and at this time I do not know why but I cannot lock or unlock or leave notes on the system it keeps giving me an error. it used to work flawlessly0
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