Trivial question...........How do you turn off the "flashing" NSF symbol on the tenant's payment screen. Thanks in advance :)
Running Sitelink Web Edition using a MacBook Pro M Series w/ Parallels?
A bit of a technical question... but has anybody had any luck running SLWE on a MacBook Pro with the new M series ARM CPU's through parallels or another virtual machine program? Corp Control seems to work just fine, but SQL Server hasn't been playing nice with the ARM version of Windows 11. Any tier 3 tech supports that…
storing tenant's credit card information
how do you store a tenant's credit card information without selecting the auto debit option at Move-In?
download documents
How do you download a document (such as a vehicle title or insurance) to a customers acct? all I can seem to get is a small corner, the same size as the drivers license we scan in.
Linking tenant units
What is the procedure to link tenant or unit. Tenant had unit. In Lead to Lease the tenant was added again instead of searching the database. I know there are hot keys for this but don't remember. I assume I do it in Company, Unit & Tenants, Add/Edit Tenants.
Customer is paying for several months with a discount
How do I accept payment on 4/1/18 for April, May and June rent and give them a discount?? It seems to just show me the date range of 4/1-4/30/19 as paid.
Email Move out Receipts
Can anyone help in regards when a tenant moves out, we can send them an email receipt at the time of move out. Thanks
Year Invoicing
Hi Everyone! So, I have a lot of customers who pay yearly. So far, for the past (almost) year that I have been running SiteLink at my facility, I have been creating their invoices manually because I haven't figured out how to have a yearly invoice automatically generated. Any tips on this would be greatly appreciated. :)…
How do you attach a form/brochure to predefined e-mail?
Our company recently started to require proof of property protection to all of our units. We have a predefined letter that state their Home Owner/Renters insurance declaration page is about to expire. We are suppose to attach a Property Protection brochure with the e-mail, but for the life of me I cannot figure this out.
Reserving "unavailable" Unit
When our units are vacated we code them unavailable until they are cleaned and ready to rent. I have unit that is on the list to be prepped that I want to reserve for a tenant. How can I do this?
Sitelink reports
Is there a place in Sitelink reports to view how many tenants utilize the online payment option? I see CC, ACH but no specifically for web payments.
Length of Stay Report?
Hello, Is there a way to see how long each tenant has stayed? (like 1 month stays vs 6 months)?
Renting a unit for just 1 month
We are rolling out Sitelink at our first location and currently everything is done old school by hand with ledgers. Rental is a month to month with a minimum of 30 days. Currently if a tenant will only be with us for a month or less, we will take the day they rented and count 30 days. i.e Tenant moves in 6/11/18, we charge…
Editing move out date
Once you have moved out a tenant and re-rented the unit, is there a way to change the vacate date on the previous tenant when processing a refund?
When issuing a Credit, where can I give the Reason why?
When issuing a credit in a tenant's ledger, why am I not prompted to give a reason why the credit is being issued? When doing an Administrative Adjustment, you are prompted to give a reason why. I feel Sudden-link should require the same for a Credit issued. I know I can type the reason in notes, but I would like it…
Pro rate ledger after move out
Can I Pro rate an account AFTER move out was already performed? I know you can pro rate at the time of move out, but if that wasn't done and you want to pro rate and credit back $ to the moved out tenant, can that be done after the fact?
Take a one time ACH payment
We are new to sitelink and i was wondering if there was a way to take a one time ACH payment from a customer? I have done ACH payments for customers who have it on auto bill.
Modify units, must add note
I understand why when I take a unit "off line" for service or a vendor to use I have to make a unit note, however when I bring a unit back on line the system requires me to note it. This is kind of a pain because then I have to go back in and remove the note. I do the maintenance for 3 properties right now and it is a bit…
Refund to credit
How can you take an insurance refund or even a deposit refund and put it as credit for a tenant?
Payment history for a certain year
How do I pull up the payment history for an entire year without seeing all of the other years? I have commercial tenants that ask for it in January for their taxes and it is very difficult to show them because the one I get shows their entire rental history.
Is there a way to pull up all the emails recorded in sitelink to send one email to all my tenants?
This is a suggestion or opportunity for improvement regarding "call past dues".
Whenever I make a contact to a past due customer from any entry into "notes" of the contact; can "call past dues" recognize that my actions apply and update the "Last Note" column.
Reports fail silently. (doesn't open but no indication of issue)
Hi, this seems to be an issue on a new computer, when you click the OK button...nothing happens. Even if there was no software to handle I would expect windows to show a dialogue box asking what to do? On another computer it opens in Crystal Reports, is this a firewall problem? a software problem? or any other thoughts…
Credit Card Void or Refund
How do I Void or Refund a Credit Card charge that was run through SiteLink Web Edition Card Processing Terminal?
Separate payment between 2 units
How do I go about dividing a payment already made between 2 units? I didn't click on one unit number and then the other when I received the payment and it all went to one unit. so one unit is paid for 2 months instead of both units paid for 1.
Authorized to Access
Hi, we recently switched to Sitelink from Space Control. On Space Control we had a place to list Authorized Access, people we can give the gate code to if the tenant is not there. Is there a place in Sitelink to do that besides the Tenant notes and without having to use the alternative or additional?
How can I view or print out a list of ALL of my "auto pay" customers?
I am trying to see if there is a way I can view or print a list of ONLY my customers that are set up on Auto Pay. Is there a way to do this? Would it be in reports or can this be set up? If anyone has any suggestions or can help me out with this I would greatly appreciate it. THANKS!!!
Adding fees
I'm trying to set up my work with their first ever storage software. I have a few questions I'm hoping can be easily answered. 1. When I take a payment and they are giving me more rent then is owed because I do not have change, a screen pops up and says "The amount you entered is too large. You are attempting to…
Auto Bank Payments
Where do I enter a tenants bank information for auto pay?
Does site link have an option to add things like scanned DL & Docs. Outlook emails etc into cust accts? Thankyou!!