Online payments when a tenant is past due
Is there a way to change settings in sitelink so that when a tenant is past due by 2 months they can still make a payment. My tenant wanted to pay the full balance online but it didn't let her because she was past due 2 months and was denied and it said to contact the office
Can I add icons to all past due tasks?
In "Tasks and Letters" all the prepopulated tasks have icons next to them but the tasks that I've added myself do not. Is there a way for all the past dues tasks to have icons?
Past Due Schedules
Hello. New to storage and I'm reviewing the past due schedule that was in place. Is this a pretty common schedule for everyone? (I'm in NH) 5 days past - overlock notice and fee, 15 days past - late notice and fee, 20 days past - cut lock notice and fee, 30 days past - notice of lien and fee, then an auction notice when…
Auction Process in Sitelink - Taking Past Due Schedule to Fruition.
I am having a few issues. Sitelink Support has not been able to answer these questions - mostly because I don't think they understood what I was getting at. * I am trying to figure out the auction process. I watched one training video, since I cant find any others and there is no search function in the Forum for just the…
Can an RV be impounded?
We have an RV tenant that is past due. AGAIN. They get caught up then after two months they are late again and get over locked (not that I really have a way to over lock an RV) I just make sure they don't access it at all. I have sent over lock notices, past due notices and am at the point of a preliminary lien. However we…