AUGUST 2017 POLL: How often do you use the facility map feature in SiteLink?

Sue_C Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
edited November 2017 in SiteLink General Discussions
The Map feature in SiteLink gives you an overhead view of your facility and can be customized by unit type, size and more. 
Do you use the Map feature? Vote in the poll, and then add some details in the comments about how you use this unique, popular feature!

AUGUST 2017 POLL: How often do you use the facility map feature in SiteLink? 56 votes

A lot! I like to start with the map overview to access a tenant's info
50% 28 votes
Sometimes, it depends on what I'm doing
33% 19 votes
Only if I need to adjust unit layouts or make changes
7% 4 votes
Never, I don't like the map view
3% 2 votes
My site map is not set up
5% 3 votes


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  • LSAirport
    LSAirport Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭
    I use it all the time, move- in's , availability of vacant units, scheduled move out, remove overlocks etc.... 
  • MaryG
    MaryG Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified
    We even print the map to do what we call "Hard Lock Check" every week.  Love it!
  • sonyawiprud
    sonyawiprud Registered User ✭✭✭
    I only use it to locate a unit in relation to a transfer, my guys use it to see where they need to go to show a unit, I cannot print mine out it's not configured to be user friendly. I don't know if that is due to management configurations or SiteLink's. I wish I could type in a  unit number and find it quicker, instead of scrolling all over the page looking for the unit. Or maybe there is that option and I am not aware of it?
  • anotherattic
    anotherattic Registered User
    I refer to our map all the time-I find it very helpful.
  • kennerselfstorage
    kennerselfstorage Registered User
    Reconfiguring the map due to layout changes is NOT user friendly
  • monicar3
    monicar3 Registered User
    Hi, I don't print my vacant list, I always look at the map and go from there. 
  • Amy
    Amy Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭
    We use our map for everything. I love using it for cleaning out units and keeping track of which ones are completed and I also use it for over-locks. It seems to not take as long to accomplish certain tasks when you have a layout of the property. It is also very helpful to print out a map to show units. 
  • websterb
    websterb Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭✭
    Multiple times a day... Love the map.
  • PhilR
    PhilR Registered User ✭✭
    No use for us day to day. I normally use it to monitor my servicing schedule other than that we tend to use the 'Payments' screen to acceess tenants information and details. We do use the map as an overview to the site.
    Phil Rankin
    Site Manager
    Guardian Secure Storage Tauranga

  • Sue_C
    Sue_C Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2017
    To learn more about SiteLink's maps, check out the webinar "Creating, Editing and Using the Facility Map, Map Tenants and Competitor Screens"

    @sonyawiprud, @kennerselfstorage, you may want to check out the on-demand recorded webinar. 

    All Q&A is posted here
    on the forum, so if you were at the webinar and he didn't get to your question live, it is included in the Q&A post.

    The Q&A is also the place to add your comments and ask more questions about SiteLink facility and competitor maps.

    NOTE: If you missed the live webinar, on-demand access is now available! Click here to view the recorded webinar.
  • SSSM
    SSSM Registered User
    I use the map pretty much for everything. My unit numbers are not in order. It would be nice to be able to enter into a search area unit number and then it would highlight the selected unit of interest. Or even a tenant name for a quicker process. Sometimes a tenant will call and as if there is another unit close to theirs but they cannot remember their number. So I have to go back to the payment screen then back to the map.
  • OHS
    OHS Registered User ✭✭
    We use the map a lot and especially with transfers.
  • PhilR
    PhilR Registered User ✭✭
    Starting to use it more and more now I've watched the webinar.
    Phil Rankin
    Site Manager
    Guardian Secure Storage Tauranga

  • Christine505
    Christine505 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified
    I love the map.  I wish Sitelink would've built it for us when we converted to their software though.  I'd also like to be able to change the color so they would print up better, I haven't been able to figure that out yet.. any advice would be greatly appreciated!!
  • Sue_C
    Sue_C Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
    @Christine505, glad you like the map! The colors are set to make it easy to troubleshoot, and they can't be changed at this time.
    For ideas on making units stand out more on the map, check out this discussion on ADA map units.
  • Sue_C
    Sue_C Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
    The August Poll will be closing at the end of the day today. Thanks everyone for voting! It was a very popular topic and we appreciate everyone's feedback and comments on using the SiteLink Maps.

    Stay tuned for the September Poll to be posted soon.
  • LSAirport
    LSAirport Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭
    I wish that in Simple View it would print with no color instead of the blue color that it now does... Would make reading the unit numbers easier to read, almost impossible to read now!  Much less if you print it out.  If you could print it out without color just the unit outline you could "color it" manually if you wish, ie units to be cleaned, inspected, repaired ets...
This discussion has been closed.


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