refund issue
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Hello. Today I noticed a unit with no lock and empty. I do lock check every day. So I know this unit has been locked. Seeing it now unlocked and empty, and account current, I assumed they moved out without telling me. So I moved her out. I refunded her the $15 dollar deposit and that was that. I then get a call from her asking why she was refunded. Come to find out, she hasn't used the unit yet, swore she never put a lock on it. I know she did. I also see somehow she was refunded $146.00 the computer never asked if I wanted to refund that much, just the $15. I have tried to undo the move out, says i cannot cause a refund has been issued on her credit card. I even tried to void the refund, also says i cannot cause its already been issued. The $15, i did by check like we always do. I am so lost. Any ideas on how to fix would be great. I assume re-rent her the unit, but how do i address the refund she received and the move in amount? prorate it?
We never assume someone has moved out. I had a unit unlocked and empty this week, turns out they had a car in it and had taken it on a trip and forgot to put the lock back. Good thing we always "verify" with the tenant, via text or email, before we vacate them from their unit, unless they have given notice as required by our lease. If it were me, I would move them back in, eat the $146 by giving them a free month, etc. and push on. It was not the customer's mistake.1
Like Anitajohnson 1269 , I ALWAYS call to verify someone has vacated before I doing a move out on the computer. People do strange things. I have one right now who removed their lock but still has stuff in the unit. I called to verify, supposedly they'll be back to take the rest out but they are flakey, so we'll see. I will notify them that they will be charged Sept rent if their stuff isn't gone, they are on auto pay, thankfully.0
Thanks guys, I def learned a lesson today. She has 2 units. Her other unit says moved out over 5 days ago. I guess she moved to the other unit and just hasn't done so. The entire situation is weird. I had no idea she moved units. She's paying for 2 units. I will also be speaking to my manager about keeping better notes so we both always know what's going on.1
Jcarter If you use sitelink and storable, when doing a refund, the only way to do a partial refund is through the corporate MyHub, If you do a refund through sitelink web edition it will only refund the full payment that was made. I agree Detailed Notes is very important, but geez sounds like she did a transfer, and still not complete in 5 days, oh no that would not work here. I always inform the customer that if I perform a transfer from one unit to another, they get 2-3 days max to complete the transfer or risk being charged for both units. Usually if I have a tenant that needs to transfer, I have them take the unit out as a new move in and explain once the other unit is empty (must be prior to any new rent generating) that we will prorate the old unit out and place any remaining credit toward the new unit. If you moved her back in, she would owe you the whole payment or prorated amount whichever you do.1
This is a problem we also have here, customer says they will put their own lock on later, I have two days off, staff moves them out with no research. If they would simply go to notes they could see the date of the transaction, and know it recently took place, or look on the front of the account that shows the lease date. To avoid this issue we put a green zip tie on the latch until the customer puts their lock on, I have to check and double check with my staff that they put it on. If it's a transfer, we loan them a lock for the second unit and they have to leave it inside the unit they transfer from, or bring it back to us, then we have a note on my desk that says this person has a loaner lock and are in the middle of a transfer. Pain in the butt, but better than moving them out accidentally. Refunds seem to be a problem here lately with us too.0
Yeah, I def learned to double check. I did check the account. She was all current and its a 10*30 unit. I made the assumption she moved out. I now know she got the unit a month ago and has yet to move into it. Weird thing, I do lock check daily. And I know prior to this there was a lock on the unit. She said she never put one on. The whole thing is weird. I was able to move her back into the unit. I thought she was refunded a lot more, found out was only refunded $15 bucks.1
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