New Lease Pushed Out to All Existing Tenants Anyone?
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Any operators who have pushed out a new lease to existing Tenants? We are planning to do so (already have new renters using the new lease) but need to get everyone on the new Lease. I would love to understand pros/cons/best practices from what your experience was in doing so. Thanks,
When the rental agreement at my last job was updated. We made a spreadsheet with all existing tenants that the lease would be sent too. We then send electronic leases to all the tenants. Some signed right away, others did not. As the tenants would come into the office to make payments, we would get them to sign the agreement in person. Once completed they would be crossed off the list. After a little time, the ones that did not sign them, the electronic lease was re-sent along with a paper copy with a letter inside explaining the rental agreement has been updated, to review, sign, date and return the copy to the office or check their emails for the electronic version to complete. Sending them out through the postal mail also clued us in to a lot of tenants with bad address. The ones that came back with bad addresses, were contacted by phone and obviously asked for updated address and informed they would be receiving the new agreement by email for them to complete and sign. Just keep in mind you may have a few that just refuse to sign it for some strange reason. Here in CT, even if the tenant refuses to sign it, once they make their next payment it binds them to the new agreement.
if I remember correctly. when this took place, I was at a facility with a little over 700 units, it did take about 4-6 months to get them all under the new lease.... Good Luck.1 -
On this same theme... all of my tenants have eSigned Rental Agreements. I would like to send them all the new Rental Agreement since many of them have Agreements from 10 to 15 years ago. There does not seem to be a way to send everyone the new Rental Agreement and force a new eSign.0
themage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭E-sign has to create a new document and link for each individual and then record proof of signing. Doing large numbers all at once could be problematic.
It might be simpler to create a letter that is an addendum with any changes, or a copy of the new rental agreement altogether and ask for people to respond whether or not they agree. Set up a CRM campaign to issue the letter and document any responses.
If you are strictly paperless and absolutely need new e-sign agreements from people, it seems you will have to make a list and manually send new e-sign documents to several people each day.0
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