Self Storage Tenant Insurance
Has anyone used one of sitelink marketplaces tenant insurance providers before? And if so what there experience has been like working with any of those companies?
If anyone has an particular recommendations I would love to hear them. Thanks
If anyone has an particular recommendations I would love to hear them. Thanks
I've always used StorSmart and love them. They will send out a trainer to help with the verbiage in order to maximize your insured to non. I've had a tenant that ripped his mattress because he laid it right up against the door before closing it. No hassles, they paid his claim even though he was at fault. Another was a roof leak (it happens and is the majority of claims) They paid for the Sofa to be replaced and a rug professionally cleaned.1
We have had a pretty good experience with Storsmart as well.
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I'm trying to move out a tenant that has a protection plan in place. When I click on their unit #, I get this error message "
unit 131 has a protection plan You must cancel this policy before moving out a mobile unit...
Can someone tell me how to cancel the policy and move this person out?0 -
jhdill , I've never had that error come up. When I move a tenant out it automatically cancels the policy.
Go to the payments screen, the tenant, select the unit, then down at the bottom you'll see Insurance
Click the Insurance, then click cancel policy.0 -
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I would second storsmart. In 8 years of this that is the first and only company to ever have someone physically show up and go over everything with the site that I have seen. They actually care about the customers, when Harvey hit they were sending people out to the effected areas and stroking checks on the spot for customers to help them.
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StorSmart has always been good to us. They do send out a trainer and are always available to answer a call and a question/s.0
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