Taxable rent vs Nontaxable on Daily Deposit

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Does anyone have a solution for the Daily Deposit report to separate "Rent" taxable & non taxable? I have to manually add all the taxable payments from the detailed part of the report, subtract the tax, and then subtract that amount from the "Rent" to be able to separate taxable/non-taxable and enter it in Excel. Any suggestions?
The top left hand corner of the Deposit Report has a breakdown separating the Rent, Late Fees, Admin, Merchandise, etc. as well as the taxes (we have 2 taxes). Unless your saying you have some tenants that are taxed and other tenants that are tax exempt. For that Run a Financial Summary for the selected day. The payment column will have the Rent and Tax separated.0
Thank you, your response helps! I was just hoping there was a more user friendly solution in the Sitelink system. It just seems so functional in some ways, and really antiquated in others....0
You could also Run a receipt report, under the Financials column, for the day and filter exempt or non-exempt.0
I so appreciate your help, but I don't think I am explaining myself very well. Our State taxes only outdoor parking, but not indoor warehouse type storage. I was wondering if there was a way to see taxable, and non-taxable "rent" separately at a glance. I added a category "Rent taxable" under the "4000 Rent", and it now appears on this report directly above "4000 Rent", but I don't know how to separate "parking" which is taxable into that category. According to Sitelink customer service it can't be done, so I guess that must be correct. I thought maybe someone had an alternative..? Thanks again for trying, Cindy0
I just saw your other comment.... I will try that!0
That helps A LOT! Thanks! Cindy0
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭So if you're really needing something listing it you could always export receipts for payments, rent roll for what should be getting collected etc. to excel and filter the list so only your parking space unit's information would pull. If it's something I was having to do the math on regularly I would create a spreadsheet with formulas to pull all the data needed and auto figure it up for you since it sounds like it's going into excel anyways.0
Sounds like something I could try! Ty!0
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