question on exporting accounting info to quickbooks.
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I have made alot of headway with this. had to do alot of changes to the COA on both sides... but i have ran into something.. when i am exporting the accounting data from sitelink it does this:
"TRNS GENERAL JOURNAL 02/01/20 Uncategorized 20200201-20200201_Accrual -29171.80 N
SPL GENERAL JOURNAL 02/01/20 Receivables Control 20200201-20200201_Accrual 29090.32 2210 N
SPL GENERAL JOURNAL 02/01/20 CURRENT ASSETS:Other Trade Rec:Unidentified Receipts 20200201-20200201_Accrual 81.48 2225 N "
SPL GENERAL JOURNAL 02/01/20 Receivables Control 20200201-20200201_Accrual 29090.32 2210 N
SPL GENERAL JOURNAL 02/01/20 CURRENT ASSETS:Other Trade Rec:Unidentified Receipts 20200201-20200201_Accrual 81.48 2225 N "
The problem is the word "Uncategorized", i getting the error in quickbooks that account doesnt exist and i know it doesnt.. why is sitelink exporting the data like that ? any pointers will be nice
ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I have a few issues with the way they export to Excel. Don't know the reasoning for it, but I feel you. It's usually a big mess of info that I have to convert, line up, delete, format, etc.0
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