Storlogix question regarding gate entry time
I noticed that when anyone goes through the gate the time is p.m. when it is a.m. But when i sign into the storlogix program itself, the time is correct. Where would i be able to adjust the gate entry time? thx
Cannot Access Anything! StorLogix Security Level Permissions Do Not Allow..
We had some issues with Storelogix not connecting to the logix server and ended up doing a reinstall. Now, attempting to do anything results in the error message: Security Level Permissions Your current security level permissions do not allow you to access this information. Please contact your system administrator. There…
storlogix multiple unit lock out
My tenant who is up to date on 2 of his current units, came in and rented another but didnt need it until the 1st of the month to store his vehicle. signed lease, paid all set. except now the gate code is locked until the move in date of the new unit, he couldnt access his any of his units. Why? how to fix? I changed it to…
Storlogix Cloud PTI
Does anyone else use Storlogix Cloud? If so, is there a way to disable the "loitering" event? For whatever reason PTI decided to show loitering events in the alarm events, on any given day I will have over 100 notifications of loitering, I then have to sift through them to find actual unit alarms that have gone off. The…
StorLogix, Multiple Own Units and Alarms Going off
Two of our properties have individually alarmed units and use StorLogix. When a customer with multiple units enters (and the doors should disarm) the alarm on one of the units still go off. Any solutions or settings to check? Pictures or links would be nice
StorLogix Report Cross-Referencing
Hello! I have a question about pulling a user report for a specific tenant - often if I pull a specific tenant's access report I will see another tenant name and unit in the report. Units, tenants and codes completely unrelated in anyway. No move-in/move-out involved between them, etc. Does anyone know why this happens? I…