Storlogix Cloud PTI

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Does anyone else use Storlogix Cloud? If so, is there a way to disable the "loitering" event? For whatever reason PTI decided to show loitering events in the alarm events, on any given day I will have over 100 notifications of loitering, I then have to sift through them to find actual unit alarms that have gone off. The loitering event does not work for people with multiple units, they deactivate the alarm on all of them when they enter the facility but if they don't open EVERY unit door assigned to that code, then I am notified that they are loitering, also it is set for 10 minutes after they enter the facility, so I get hundreds. From what I can see, there is no way to control the events that I want to see, the old desktop version gave me that ability but the cloud version does not. Obviously created by someone who does not work at a storage facility. Anyone know how to control event viewing?
If you have not solved this yet, post your question on the Self-Storage Talk forum. There are some folks there with PTI experience. Especially Robert if he is still there.1
helenatim said:If you have not solved this yet, post your question on the Self-Storage Talk forum. There are some folks there with PTI experience. Especially Robert if he is still there.
I just had a lengthy conversation with a developer and he is putting my concerns over to his team.
thanks for the info. ~Sonya0
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