Wifi Connectivity in Mult-floor Warehouse

RPC Registered User
edited 2017 27 in SiteLink myHub
What solutions are being suggested to meet connectivity requirements when using Sitelink MyHub in warehouses? If Cellular service is spotty or worse MyHub might be a customer only tool in the 'front office'. While you 'might' be able to use your cell phone as a hot spot where you do have service in the warehouse or elsewhere on-site, the data charges would be attributed to your personal cell phone! In my opinion a cost effective turn key solution for implementing wifi 'hotspots' in warehouses is definitely needed for robust use by employees on site. Thoughts? 


  • James_Renouf
    James_Renouf SiteLink Tech Support, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭
    The data used for myhub transactions are minimal.  At the same time many self storage owners set up wifi at the facility more for speed as opposed to data requirement needs. 
  • RPC
    RPC Registered User
    edited 2017 02
  • DerekBrett
    DerekBrett Registered User ✭✭✭
    use wifi signal boosters. they're little antennae that plug directly into a power outlet and receive and transmit a wifi signal. find a way to secure them though so no one will steal one. 
  • Sue_C
    Sue_C Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
    Great suggestion @DerekBrett, I have used those before and they work pretty well. Worth a try anyway!
  • Ron
    Ron Registered User ✭✭✭
    We installed a Cisco Aironet 1300 wireless bridge on the outside of our office building and it covers over 4 acres of buildings. It has pretty good coverage inside the building with our hallway units.

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