When will hollywood and games appreciate self storage?
Not really sure what section this would go in since there isn't a basic general discussion area. My wife loves zombie type movies, I play a lot of games with similar stories where you have to "loot" your area to find items to survive such as The Walking Dead. Why is it you never see anyone rummaging through a storage facility for items? I would think that'd be the jackpot of picking spots and a decent spot to hold up at, typically gated, metal construction, tons of metal in the inner portions could be taken down to reinforce outer portions. We always joke if there is a major disaster putting society in that type of situation we're locking down the gates and popping locks as anything we could probably need is stored away in the facility. As much as you can tell people the rules of what "not" to store, you know a good amount of people have weapons/ammo in their units, at least here in Texas they do

Orkocean said:Not really sure what section this would go in since there isn't a basic general discussion area. My wife loves zombie type movies, I play a lot of games with similar stories where you have to "loot" your area to find items to survive such as The Walking Dead. Why is it you never see anyone rummaging through a storage facility for items? I would think that'd be the jackpot of picking spots and a decent spot to hold up at, typically gated, metal construction, tons of metal in the inner portions could be taken down to reinforce outer portions. We always joke if there is a major disaster putting society in that type of situation we're locking down the gates and popping locks as anything we could probably need is stored away in the facility. As much as you can tell people the rules of what "not" to store, you know a good amount of people have weapons/ammo in their units, at least here in Texas they doI thought the exact same thing when I first started working here.2
i43storage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Oh my gosh! @Orkocean You are CORRECT! All the clothes you would ever need. Mattresses to sleep on. Canned food. Gas grills. Cars with gas. The list goes on and on!
Jean Marie
I-43 Storage3 -
I always think about this at work that while everyone was evacuating I would just come to work.9
@CVSSSTORAGE Especially because we have a 3 story bldg and I could rig the elevator!3
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