Dogs and fireworks - need suggestions!
Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
This time of year is really tough on my dog Beau, he is terrified of all the fireworks—the loud sounds, any smoke he smells, the flashing lights. Even if it's in the distance. Any suggestions on helping the poor guy out? It's coming soon...
Provide a safe place for Beau to retreat too (like a crate or the bathtub even), closing all the windows and blinds/shades, leave treats/toys on the floor (keeping him occupied), Try and give him lots of exercise during the day before the festivities start and if its Hot in the house Air conditioning to keep him cool. And most important is to Not leave him alone or bring him to where the fireworks are
Hope this helps!2 -
I like those ideas, thanks @storagestation603. Wish me luck!0
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