Climate Control Temperature/ Pricing Variance
Registered User ✭✭
I work at a facility in San Diego, Ca that offers climate control option. Since I have been there, the area has been kept around 70 degrees F. Our Pharma reps and other business clients have become used to the AC, and since we have discovered that most other facilities keep their CC areas MUCH warmer. What temperature do others keep their CC area at, and what is the variance of price increase for the unit? We currently offer $105 for a Elevator Access 10x5, and only charge $109 for EA CC 10x5. Also, when we raise the temp on all floors in CC, what do we tell our tenants that have been there long term that complain?
I have a few ideas, but I would like input from others out there
I have a few ideas, but I would like input from others out there
in Florida I have the temp set at 76 degrees. If tenant want temps lower than that....they should be willing to pay a higher rate. It is a difficult situation to be in. The main thing is that you have a setting that will not allow mode to grow in the units!0
There are no set regulations for this, but I've always found that between and 78 and 50 degrees works well in this state.0
Climateguard Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭✭
MDavis Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭We control ours between 55 and 80 degrees year-round depending on the season. Our temperature controlled units tend to be around $30 more than the non.
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Since every regions weather & and local storage market is a bit different, an alternate way to look at this is: How is your occupancy for those units in that AC zone?
For instance, if you have a waiting list at $109/mo, or an unusual concentration of Pharma customers due to the cooler temps, then I believe your market is telling you that you may be able to charge more.
Perhaps your cooler internal temperatures should be treated like a premium service instead of an unnecessary expense? Your electric bill savings may also exceed any potential revenue increase, so it's worth thinking through thoroughly.
Check out your Revenue Management (Price Optimizer) feature in SiteLink if you want to set up an automated pricing strategy.
Dave2 -
We keep our CC units between 60 and 80 as well (in CO), usually hovering around 74 degrees. We charge an additional $10 - $20 for CC units compared to drive-up. To help with the complaints if it's slightly warmer than a long-term tenant is used to, we let them know that we keep the building between 60 and 80 degrees, not an exact temperature. Most people just want to make sure their stuff won't be damaged from extreme temps, and that answer usually satisfies them.0
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Very rarely I've had properties with CC being actually cheaper than DU. It just comes down to what's in demand in your area. But typically I've always been in warmer areas so CC's are usually $30-$50 more for basic sizes and larger units can sometimes be $100 or so more.0
So recently we had a large increase in our energy bill. Looking into it, it was actually due to our provider extending "peak use hours" so our usage didn't go up, but our bill did. After that, I raised the CC temperature to 77 degrees (kicks on at 80) and we have been running a lower bill since. No customer complaints either (yet) so I am happy with that.
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