I'm about to send out about 200 rent increase letters. But, unlike sending out the other letters, Sitelink is not providing a custom option to include both e-mail and print. It's strictly either/or.
How to Print & E-mail Rent Increase Letters?

Registered User ✭✭✭
Any suggestions? I'd like to avoid having to go back and reprint the letters one by one after I have sent them out via e-mail.
William McBride
Best Answer
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Have you gone into the setup options for that function and just changed the options to include both print and email? This might be something you need someone with higher clearances to do for you depending on your access level.
I ended up doing the letters in three steps. First, I printed out a file copy for everybody getting an increase. Then I e-mailed everybody with an address on file. Then I printed a copy to be mailed to everybody with no e-mail or whose e-mailed letter bounced back to us.
This rent increase letter process is different from other letter options in SL.
But, . . . we got 'er done.
Thanks, @Orkocean .
William McBride0
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