Keeping Busy
What are some things that you would do to pass some time?
Or how about some great sites to get some articles on Storage Stories in other states?
Or just some interesting articles to read that aren't from Yahoo News? lol
If you're not already on LinkedIn go ahead and create a profile. You can connect with me and thousands of other storage professionals there. There are constant articles about the industry being posted. Also check out the ISS site. You can also get involved in the industry. Contact your local self storage association and ask what you can do to help. Get involved in the community. Join your chamber of commerce and start attending their events. Go out and visit your competitors...most of them will be happy to see you and more than willing to share information. Get out of the office, walk the property with a cooler and hand out water to your tenants. Start up some social media for your facility and begin posting or even creating content 2-3 times a week. The list is endless!5
Amy_Loveland Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭I hate to sound like company stooge here but if you have time to lean you have time to clean. I have at my last company took to re-sweeping units they get dusty just sitting. Inside walls baseboards keyboards all screens desktops bathrooms it really is a never ending job. I have washed the mailbox, windows and hosed off the parking area at times.4
teamcapitola Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
This job always seems to jump between super boring slow to sudden OMG super busy time!
Not a whole lot in the middle.
I subscribe to @Amy_Loveland point... There is ALWAYS something that needs to be done around here.
That being said, there are a lot of productive things you can do from the office; Start your company Facebook acct and do daily posting about your area, create a company blog. If your facility owners approve, take an online course in marketing or business.
We recently got our facility Green Certified by the Monterey Bay Area Green Business Program; most of it was contacting people and going through a checklist. Now we can use the logo on advertising, and feel good at same time!
A lot of "little things" can end up having a huge positive impact on your business, its just a matter of looking around and seeing what fits for your facility and community.
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