Did you know? The new Lead to Lease workflow in SiteLink myHub Corporate Control gives you ultimate control over leads and reservations on a corporate-wide level. It’s like a bird’s-eye-view of all leads coming into all your stores–from your website, phone, email, and more–giving you the power to convert to reservations in one screen with just a few clicks.
Schedule follow-ups, reminders, and need-by dates. Use the new Filters and Reminders button to instantly view follow-ups for today, reservations to move in, and reservations without an available unit. Take advantage of Competitor Tracking features to stay on top of trends in your area. View your unit availability and rates all within one beautiful, streamlined user interface redesigned for easy, intuitive use.
Because it’s myHub, now you can access this control on a corporate level from any device–tablet, phone, Mac, or PC–from anywhere. So whether you’re on-the-go, offsite, or just making rounds through a facility, simply use the same credentials to log into SiteLink myHub Corporate Control and start taking charge of incoming leads. It’s that easy.
Tell us if you've tried this new feature in myHub!
Lead to Lease in SiteLink myHub delivers ultimate control on a corporate-wide level
Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
Question? If we have a current Tenant, how do we add them to our list and add extra unit to pay rent . Combine the 2 into 1 payment0
When you are leasing a unit to a tenant that already has one, when you get to the point where you are going to lock the unit into your system click on the tenants name in the Tenant List. This will merge the two unit under the tenants name.1
if the units are already rented you can do this
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