Credits vs. Discounts
Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭
One of the managers at one of our other facilities called today because she wanted to give a discount to an occupant for a current month, but wasn't able to do so. I told her to post it as a credit and give the reason why she is doing it.
Is there a difference between credits and discounts? If so, what is the "Sitelink" difference? If not, why are they separate?
Still trying to figure everything out lol. ♥
One of the managers at one of our other facilities called today because she wanted to give a discount to an occupant for a current month, but wasn't able to do so. I told her to post it as a credit and give the reason why she is doing it.
Is there a difference between credits and discounts? If so, what is the "Sitelink" difference? If not, why are they separate?
Still trying to figure everything out lol. ♥
Discounts are normally a one time deal, but credits can be on going. For instance, waving Late Fees is a credit. Somebody owed you money but you gave them a break.2
storallgsa Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭ThriftyStorage said:Discounts are normally a one time deal, but credits can be on going. For instance, waving Late Fees is a credit. Somebody owed you money but you gave them a break.
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