Move out status set to "Clean" not "Vacant"

Registered User ✭✭
Will Sitelink make this simple change to a unit's status, after a customer vacates a unit its status should go to "clean", and once we clean we can than change this to vacant and ready to go, Storman does this and its the only change I don't like since moving to Sitelink, I was able to just print out a list of units to clean and get them done.... Its the simple things that can make it so much easier..
In Sitelink when a tenant moves out the unit is then listed as vacant in your Vacant Report. I run a facility with only 240, and I know that is small compared to many other facilities. I am able to ensure that a unit is clean in a matter of moments!
In Sitelink you can go to Company and then click on Modify Unit and select the features that apply to your specific situation.
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skinman Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I usually clean mine immediately as well... You could always make a note on the map that the unit needs cleaned. Then simply delete the note once it is rent ready.1
skinman Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭You could even go into modify units and exclude it from your website until it's cleaned as well so it cannot be reserved or rented... You just need to remember to bring it back online. I had one tenant that left me a huge oil spill once. So I took the unit offline until I got it squared away the next day.1
skinman Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Sorry thrifty.. I should have read your post more thoroughly.0
I would like this feature added also!! This was a feature that Storage Commander had and was very helpful. The units was actually a different color on the site map so you could tell what units need attention. Would be helpful for facilities that do not have all their units in one location.3
Garrett_Boone SiteLink Tech Support, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified SiteLink Tech Support › ✭✭✭@ThriftyStorage and @skinman make excellent suggestions. I would also suggest using the "Service Required" status. This can be done directly from the Move Out screen, and will create a reminder to service the unit. On the Move Out screen, check the "Service Required" box in the lower left corner during your move out. This will create a reminder, and also give a prompt informing the manager that service is required if a move in is attempted on this unit.
Next to "Service Required" on your Move Out screen, there is also an option for "Unrentable." This can be set in addition to "Service Required" to prevent move ins on this unit, and also change the color of the unit on the site map.
Once the unit has been serviced, double click your reminder which will take you to the Modify Units screen. Any units that have been marked as service required will be at the top of the list. Select the one that has been completed, click Edit Selections, and deselect Service Required.2 -
@Garrett_Boone this is the way we do it as well - from the move out screen. I've also set up a standard not to add 'To Clean' to create a difference between a unit that needs to have a door repaired or an Oil Spill etc. cleaned up.
@SSWNW I use the 'Service Required' option in the 'Reminders' window. I simply open it and export it to an excel file (if there's a lot of units to clean), delete the units that aren't ready for service and print the list out - it doesn't take long to do. If there's only a few units to clean then I'll simply write them down in a note book and clean as I go around the facility.
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Hi, Thanks for all the reply's and suggestions, they are great, but they have to be done manually and up to the user to do or change, I would like to see and automated system, like I said that Storman do, that way there is no human error. I think that we have programs and systems to make sure there are no errors. This is just a simple suggestion mainly to the program writers to try make things a little easier on the coal front. I used to have my weekend staff simply come in on a Saturday morning, print the "to clean" list and off they went. I really like this forum, its been a great tool, maybe we also need a suggestion box for all the ideas we have, anyway thanks again....3
Hello @SSWNW, glad you like the forum! Feel free to post thoughts and suggestions and hash out ideas with other SiteLink users, we rely on customer feedback to improve our product.
The official "suggestion box" is currently tech support – their expertise is a crucial gateway to submitting requests. Please call them (there's hardly any wait time on the phone) or email so they can discuss your idea with you directly and officially submit it to developers when appropriate. Thanks for posting!
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I agree with SSWNW. That's a fantastic idea and I love the idea of it being automated instead of something you have to check and uncheck from each unit. I've only ever used SiteLink so don't know about Storman, but I do know that at my original location we made a list and then when the assistant manager came in he'd clean what needed to be cleaned. At my new facility, I'm sharing the assistant manager until we can hire another person. It would make life a little less complicated if I didn't have to keep up with a list or open each unit to adjust it after it's cleaned. Thank you for the suggestion SSWNW. I hope SiteLink adds this to their list of already awesome attributes.1
We used to have maintenance 2 to 3 x a week. But now it is just my assistant and I. We work 3 days together. Our facility is 33 years old has 658 units. Her and I are now having to clean, scrape calcium, paint, mop, cut locks etc.. We no longer have the ability to modify units. We would also use to map and make notes in the unit note area. But those seem to be being removed by higher up. So it makes it hard to keep track of the ones we have done and the ones that need to be done. This would be an awesome feature. Love this suggestion.1
teamcapitola Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I would love to have a checkbox or "status" for recently vacant units that still need cleaning. We have over 800 units (and a huge summer student season) so they can & do fall into the cracks. We have a "paperwork" solution which places "moved out" paperwork into a "to be cleaned" basket; once cleaned they are then moved into the Vacated folder and documented in our "Moved out" file for the month. wow...that was a lot of air quotes.1
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