Would you rather use an ATM or a bank teller for most transactions?
StorageCollections ✭
I prefer a human experience. I'm even strange enough to disconnect whenever possible and hide the phone from myself!0
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭BANK TELLER - MOSTLYIt comes down to what i'm doing. If i'm simply pulling some money out of my account i'll go to the ATM so I don't bog down a teller for some a trivial action. Otherwise I always prefer dealing with a human. If i'm making a bank run for the store I'll even go as far as to park and go into the bank to wait in line instead of the drive thru. Actually picked up a few customers this way by chit chatting while we wait.1
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