Insurance Question
Registered User ✭
I recently had a customer who wanted to increase their insurance coverage. I have not encountered this before. How do I change the coverage without cancelling their insurance and enrolling them in the increased amount? Thanks
Climateguard Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭✭We use Minico's tenant insurance so normally what we would do in a case like this would be to have the customer fill out a new tenant insurance form. Then from the payment screen of the customer, in the bottom right hand corner, is a link that says Insurance, click on that and select the new coverage amount and it will be added to their monthly charges. Hope this helps0
@Climateguard, you are correct–and I just want to add that if there's a current policy on the account it has to be cancelled in order to create the new policy. Changing the amount does mean it's a new policy!0
Thank you. There was a policy in place already. I thought there might be another way.0
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