Congratulations October 2017 SiteLink Certified Professionals!
**In these monthly announcements, we're recognizing SiteLink Certified Professionals who are also registered on StorageForum**
Congratulations to these StorageForum users!
Here's to all the users who achieved Daily Operations certification in October 2017:
@ABBAStorage, @Aileen_Luna, @Alison_Evans, @Amanda_Lannen, @Amird_Caballero, @Amy, @AndreaH, @Angela_Vaughn, @awallis, @Angelia_Riley, @Ann_Freed, @AP1020, @Aretta, @Ashley_Morris, @ASPTU, @babies06, @Beiana_Eason, @Betty_Kemp, @blakekhall, @Bob_Stanek, @Brandon_Weist, @Brian_Harvey, @Brittny_Costner, @Cara_Davis, @Carlos_Sanchez, @CJ_Fischer, @Charlene_Gorman, @Chasity_Arthur, @Chris_Heinbecker, @Christina_Anderson, @Christopher_Flanagan, @Chuck_Vion, @Climateguard, @Colton_Pomeroy, @Connie_Roney ,@crayner, @Crystal_Tyler, @Dave_Tomforde, @David_McCormack, @dcooper, @Derrick_Branch, @Detra_Brackett, @Diane_Hack, @Donna_Scott, @DOUG, @dpiazza2430, @dray, @eddy, @efazziochaisson, @Elizabeth_Babyak, @Eric_Lewis, @evelyn, @Frank_Mullins, @Garrett_Boone, @GinaVal, @gordito1956, @GradyB, @Greg_Henriques, @Guadalupe Torres, @Guy_Gallo, @Hal_Simmons, @Haleigh_Lavy, @Heather_Schuman, @i43storage, @Iamkathleen, @Israel_Alvarado, @ivymorris55, @Jaime_Campos, @James_Crabtree, @James_Hines, @James_Renouf, @James_Waldo, @Jason_Mawhorr, @Jason_Zuck, @jbier, @jcwood, @Jennifer_Sloley, @Jessica_Meiser, @Jimlex13, @John_Oates, @Jordan_Silvey, @Joseph_Towns, @JSteven_Bailey, @Julie_Buechler, @Kathi_Elder-Hibler, @kelseyk, @Kevin_Frazier, @Kimberly_Mulholland, @Kirk_Cautin, @klewis, @Krista_Werbil, @Laura_Esparza, @Laurie_Tarter, @Leah_Wells, @Lesley-Anne_Gillard, @Lindsay_Barrett, @LSAirport, @lynn, @Marcia_Carlock, @Marie_Cox, @Mark_Fink, @Martha_Fincannon, @Mary_Melton, @Mary_Thompson, @Marz_Mumme, @Matt_Rogers, @Max, @MDavis, @Megan_Higgens, @MegumiM, @Melanie_Huff, @Melanie_Mauney, @Michael_Sisk, @Michele_Jacoby, @Michelle_Plaisance, @Nancyann, @Neida_Llanos-Faris, @nrss2017, @Orkocean, @Patrick_Williams, @Paulette Foret, @Phil_OHara, @Rachelle_Onstead, @rcphap2017, @Rhondabell, @Riverbird, @Robert_Birdsey, @Robert_Kindred, @Roberta_Gordica, @Ron_Reed, @Roxanne_Harrison, @savannahh229, @Sharon_Smith, @Sherry_Heft, @skinman, @Stephanie_Campbell, @Stephanie_Martinez, @Storage_yxe, @Sue_Community, @synergyselfstorage, @Tammy_Morrow, @teamcapitola, @Teresa_Lenk, @Teri_Graham, @TMoritz, @TomNSMS, @Tony_Corpron, @Tracy_Harding, @Virginia_Parker, @Wanda_Chavez, @Wayne, @Wayne_Furness, @wayne2182, @Woody
Haven't started yet? Sign up at It's free, self-paced, and for all levels!
Roberta_Gordica Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭Hey Sue - I think you missed me in the Administrator certifications.1
Roberta_Gordica Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭Lets give a big shout out to @Sue_Community for completing her Advanced and Administrator certifications. Thank you for being here for us.2
Aww shucks.... thanks @Roberta_Gordica! It's always a pleasure
I've added you to the Administrator list...Sorry 'bout that, still some glitches to work out between the 2 platforms. Hope you enjoyed the course!
Also, keep an eye out for a new module we're launching in the next month or so. It will be about myHub, so stay tuned!2 -
Roberta_Gordica Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭Sounds exciting @Sue_Community . I was wondering if there was going to be more. May I suggest some courses on how to read the reports we can generate?
2 -
That's a great suggestion @Roberta_Gordica, I looked into it and was told a reports course will most likely be offered at some point, down the line after we launch a few others.2
Roberta_Gordica Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭Thank you for inquiring0
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