Finding Locks on non Rented units.How do 'YOU' deal with this?

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Im new to the Storage Industry, I'm Just wondering how to deal with matter?
makes me grit my teeth!....I immediately over lock unit and check to see if a recent rental has made a boo-boo(happens more than you think- even after you have shown them their own unit). If nothing comes of that, I have placed my card and a note to see manager in office ASAP in a zip lock bag and taped it to the unit door. Most people, once they are denied access, get grumpy and come in very soon. I haven't had this happen but 3 times in my 24 years. I have read up in our TSSA (Texas Self Storage Association) gold book and there are further steps beyond this point that must be followed in case no one ever shows up and claims their items. Hope this helps!
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skinman Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Are you utilizing generic company locks on your vacants? Our policy is every unit must have a lock...All of our vacants have a yellow disc lock, so the only unit without a lock are folks who are just moving in/rented that day. If they purchase a lock from me..I ask them to place it on their unit before they leave the facility to start the move.4
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