I was lucky enough to see last month's Beaver moon at the beach - amazing stuff.
Did you hear that this Sunday’s full moon will bring the "biggest and brightest of the year so far. December 3rd’s Full Cold Moon will be the only supermoon of 2017...." [Read more from Newsweek.com]
Any stargazers out there?
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I made sure to go outside and sit on truck tailgate and take in the view. Partly cloudy in Texas that night but even the clouds couldn't stop the glow!0
We had clear skies here in NC, I got to see it later in the eve, not as big as I expected but so bright! I think Beau my dog liked it too, kept looking at it1
If you're up in the middle of the night tonight, don't miss the Geminid meteor shower
It starts as early as 7:00 so if you're not a night owl, you may be able to catch some of the show.
It peaks tonight and tomorrow night December 13/14. Should be a good one according to National Geographic.
Not sure if you'll see anything? Check out this cloud cover map.0 -
Is this over all the US or just part ? Sounds interesting!0
It looks like it's visible to all of North America but depends on cloud cover. Too much extra light around also makes it hard to see, like my neighborhood has street lights so I didn't see anything, but I also didn't look for too long as it was late zzzzzz...1
@Sue_Community....I woke up about 1am and remembered. Went outside and scared a skunk half to death! We were each shocked to see one another so, in short, I didn't see any meteors!1
Guess what's coming Jan. 31? A "Super Blue Blood Moon" ... but only if you live in the western part of North America, Alaska, or Hawaii. Sadly we will miss it here in NC, but it sounds pretty intense!
NASA says to “Set your alarm early and go out and take a look” as this will happen very early in the morning. Read more from the experts here.0 -
@Sue_Community ...I have seen a posting somewhere that an asteroid will be passing about 3 million miles from earth on Feb. 4th. Apparently, this is close and this one is large. Scientists are watching closely. I know we have close calls all the time and some go by without being documented/noticed....interesting all the same!0
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