What makes the best headquarters for a storage container business?
For Ben Davis, the answer is obvious – an even bigger container. That’s how he wound up locating his personal storage container business inside a gigantic, unused oil tank on Lincoln Street in South Portland.
“We love the idea of repurposing industrial spaces,” Davis said. “We’re in the container business. This is just a big container – the ultimate container.”
The 80-foot-tall, 110-foot-in-diameter cylindrical tank/office is an outlier in that area of the city, which is surrounded by more than two dozen tanks holding oil, jet fuel, asphalt or another hazardous substance.
Instead of fuels or chemicals, Davis is filling his tank with luxury boats and classic cars. He plans to stack about 100 portable storage containers...[Read More]
Entrepreneur converts old South Portland oil tank into storage container [Article]
Talk about thinking outside the box! I think the re-purposing is brilliant!0
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