New Year's plans - going out or staying in?
Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
It's going to be VERY COLD here in Raleigh on New Year's eve - but they have lots of outdoor events if you're willing to brave the weather, including an "acorn" drop at midnight (Raleigh is the city of oaks:))
What's going on in your town?
What's going on in your town?
Nothing quite so cool as an acorn drop! LOL For the 1st time in about 5 years, actually going out and will try to stay awake to see the ball drop! Just an evening by the fire at a friend's house playing cards and board games and eating some yummies!0
Sounds like a great plan, enjoy!0
- Acorns can only entertain just so much!1
At 62 years of age....chill at home!!!!1
Yes laying low at home, and "recovering" from a very busy holiday season! Might cook up some extra special snacks etc, and of course have champagne on hand and stay up to watch the ball drop in NY.1
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Sit at home, work in corp control, enjoy being sick.. lol
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....sorry to hear, Orkocean. Hopefully you don't have the flu that is making the rounds! I have been dodging about everyone in my life after Christmas....trying not to be infected!0
Of course, Ice showeth up and ruineth plans!!! People in Texas lose their minds when there is ice and we really don't respect it enough to drive correctly on it. Hope everyone had a safe time and maybe next year I can try again!0
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